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Troy Murray edited this page Sep 19, 2011 · 2 revisions



Adds a column definition to the table definition object

Function Syntax



Parameter Type Required Default Description
columnName string Yes name of column
columnType string Yes type of column, allowed types include primaryKey, [binary](apitabledefinitionbinary), [boolean](apitabledefinitionboolean), [date](apitabledefinitiondate), [datetime](apitabledefinitiondatetime), [decimal](apitabledefinitiondecimal), [float](, [integer](apitabledefinitioninteger), [string](apitabledefinitionstring), [text](apitabledefinitiontext), [time](apitabledefinitiontime), [timestamp](apitabledefinitiontimestamp)
default string|integer No default value for the column, either a string or integer depending on the data type
null boolean No whether nulls are allowed
limit integer No character or integer size limit for column
precision integer No precision value for decimal columns, i.e. number of digits the column can hold
scale integer No scale value for decimal columns, i.e. number of digits that can be placed to the right of the decimal point (must be less than or equal to precision)


You will probably rarely use this function directly, instead you will probably want to make use of the different alias functions for different data types (eg. string, text, integer etc.).


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