Make sure you have NodeJS 4.5+ installed. To install the frontend dev tools, run:
npm install
Gulp is used as the frontend build system. To install gulp globally, run:
npm install -g gulp-cli
Maven 3+ is required to build the application. To start spring with the dev profile, run:
mvn spring-boot:run
To start the frontend for development, run:
gulp serve
Docker and Docker Compose are utilized to run the application in a production environment. Docker v1.10+ and Docker Compose v1.8+ are required.
To fully dockerize the application and all the services that it depends on, run:
mvn clean verify -Pprod docker:build
Then run:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up -d
To run as a daemon.
To stop & remove the daemon, run:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml down
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