is a module for MagicMirror² that allows you to display
real time information about gather from nearby planes transponders. The data is received over radio signals, coming from
nearby planes that is gather through an ADS-B receiver
(this is how FlightRadar24 gets most of its data)
connected directly to server running MagicMirror², or over a TCP stream of SBS1 messages.
This module requires that you have librtlsdr installed on your system.
Homebrew (macOS):
brew install librtlsdr
Debian based Linux distros:
apt-get install librtlsdr-dev
It also requires to have either:
- a ADS-B receiver plugged in to the server running MagicMirror². There are inexpensive to buy and you can find a lot of them on Amazon.
- a feeder from FlightAware or FlightRadar24 with dump1090 configured to expose SBS1 messages over TCP.
Clone this module into your MagicMirror's modules
directory and install the dependencies:
cd modules
git clone
cd MMM-FlightTracker
npm i
Then add the module to your MagicMirror's configuration. Here is an example:
/* MagicMirror/config/config.js */
/* ...your other config here */
modules: [
/* ...your other modules here */
module: 'MMM-FlightTracker',
header: 'Nearby planes',
position: 'top_left',
config: {
interval: Number,
animationSpeed: Number,
passingByThreshold: Number,
orderBy: '(age|altitude|speed|distance):(asc|desc)',
limit: Number,
speedUnits: 'metric|imperial|knots',
altitudeUnits: 'metric|imperial',
latLng: [55.9411885, -3.2753781],
showAirline: Boolean,
showType: Boolean,
showSpeed: Boolean,
showAltitude: Boolean,
showHeading: Boolean,
client: {
mode: 'rtlsdr|network',
host: '',
port: 30003
Configuration key | Description | Default | Required |
interval | Interval to check if new planes are nearby. This value is in seconds. | 1 |
Yes |
animationSpeed | Animation speed to display/hide the module when planes come and go. This value is in milliseconds. | 1000 |
No |
passingByThreshold | The threshold altitude to determine if a plane is "at the window" or just "passing by". If no set (or negative) then all planes will be treated the same way. | -1 |
No |
latLng | Your current coordinates, as an Array of Number . E.g. [55.9411885, -3.2753781] .When defined, the distance and bearing, from your coordinates to the plane, will be displayed if available (requires the plane's coordinates to be known). |
undefined |
No |
orderBy | The property to order the list of planes by. The syntax for this configuration option is as follow <property>:<order> .Valid values for <property> are:
Valid values for <order> are: asc or desc |
undefined |
No |
limit | Limit the number of planes to display. If not set (or negative) then all tracked planes are displayed. | -1 | No |
speedUnits | The unit to use for speed. By default, it will use the unit defined at the global config. Can be metric , imperial or knots . |
Global unit config | No |
altitudeUnits | The unit to use for altitude and distance to the plane (if latLng is defined). By default, it will use the unit defined at the global config. Can be metric or imperial . |
Global unit config | No |
showAirline | Whether or not show the airline for each flight, if available. | true |
No |
showType | Whether or not show the aircraft type for each flight, if available. | true |
No |
showSpeed | Whether or not show the aircraft speed for each flight, if available. | true |
No |
showAltitude | Whether or not show the aircraft altitude for each flight, if available. | true |
No |
showHeading | Whether or not show the aircraft heading for each flight, if available. | true |
No |
client | The configuration for the ADS-B client. By default, the mode is set to rtlsdr (not other options are needed in this mode). In case of network mode, options host and port are required. |
{mode: 'rtlsdr'} |
No |