Chimithèque is an open source chemical product management application initially developped by the ENS-Lyon (France).
The project has started in 2015 and has moved to Github in 2017. The old subversion repository can be found here:
Why Chimithèque?
We needed a global method to manage chemical products of the different departments and laboratories of the ENS to:
- improve the security with a precise global listing of the chemicals products stored in the entire school
- reduce waste by encouraging chemical products managers to search in Chimithèque if a product can be borrowed from another department before ordering a new one
The documentation has not yet been converted into Markdown. Please look at the 2 PDF files in the ARCHIVES/documentation
$ /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
$ cd /tmp
$ wget{version}/chimitheque-AMD64.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf chimitheque-AMD64.tar.gz
$ cd web2py
$ rsync -avz ./* /usr/local/src/chimitheque_src/
$ cd /usr/local/src/chimitheque_src/applications/chimitheque/
$ ./chimitheque -c deploy -i prod -o
$ /etc/init.d/apache2 start
The application is and will remain free and released under CeCILL V2 licence. This is the french version of the GPL licence.
- Elodie Goy (chemical engineer and application developper)
- Serges Torres (LIP ENS-Lyon)
- Thomas Bellembois (UCA)
- Julien Devemy (UCA)
- Sandrine Breteau (Health and Safety department - ENS-Lyon)
- Anouk Bedino (Health and Safety department - ENS-Lyon)
- Benjamin Gillet (IGFL - ENS-Lyon)
- Gilles Chatelain (LBMC - ENS-Lyon)
- Odile Coulombel (retired)
- Loïs Taulelle (PSMN - ENS-Lyon): open source license
- Delphine Pitrat (Chemical lab - ENS-Lyon): tests, features
- Laure-Lise Chapellet (Chemical lab - ENS-Lyon): tests, features
- ENS-Lyon Chemical lab: products database, tests, features
- Antoine Gallavardin (IRSTEA): tests