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Taylor McClerin edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to FairBnB, an AirBnB clone created by Taylor McClerin!

In light of the housing crisis, FairBnB supports longer-term, affordable options for its users. Check out the live site here

Technologies Used:

Splash Page


Single Spot with Reviews


Getting it up and running

  1. Clone the repo here

  2. Install the dependencies by running npm install in both front and backend folders

    • Having two separate terminals open to the back and front end folders respectively is recommended
  3. Create a .env file in the backend folder with the following inputs:

    • PORT=8000
    • DB_FILE=db/dev.db
    • JWT_SECRET= unique_key
    • JWT_EXPIRES_IN=604800
    • SCHEMA= unique_schema_name
  4. Set up your database on your hosting site using the information from your .env file

  5. Run the following in your backend terminal:

    • npx dotenv sequelize db:create
    • npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate
    • npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all
  6. Start the app up in both backend and frontend terminals by running npm start

  7. Now feel free to log in as the Demo User or create your own account.



  • Users can create a Spot
  • Users can read/view other Spot
  • Users can update their Spot
  • Users can delete their Spot


  • Users can create Reviews on Spots
  • users can read/view all of the Reviews on a Spot
  • Users can delete their Review(s) on a Spot

Future Features


Logged-in Users can

  • Create a booking at a spot
  • Update their booking at a spot
  • Read all of their bookings
  • Delete/Cancel their booking