- ArboretumIdentifier (ArboretumID) is an app that enhances the Penn State Arboretum experience through AR and ML.
- Using the iPhone’s camera, ArborIdentifier scans the placard in front of any plant, and delivers rich details and descriptions about it.
- ArboretumID provides Penn State students, alumni, and visitors of any age the opportunity to explore the incredible collections of plants, flowers, and trees at the Penn State Arboretum in a whole new way!
Home Tab:
- Describes The Arboretum at Penn State and its Collections
- Introduces ArborID application
Explore Tab:
- Uses data from PlantFinder for Plant Attributes to build out Collections
- Remotely loads images for plants, and provides an 'Image Coming Soon' for plants that do not yet have images available.
- Shows all 11 Collections with Images at The Arboretum
- Each Collection has Plants with Images
- Each Plant has a DetailView showing Image, Name, Location, Taxon Name, Family, Genus
Capture Tab:
- Uses CoreML pre-trained model to detect and label plants as one of 5 types:
- Daisy, Dandelion, Rose, Sunflower, Tulip
- Provides users with 3 Capture Options:
- Photo Library, Photo Capture, Live Preview
- Each capture option will return its prediction of what label to assign to an image, and its confidence percentage
- In the future, more training data and labels can be added to the model to expand its capabilities
Around Me Tab:
- Provides a SwiftUI Map view of the Arboretum, with annotations on where plants are
- Displayed annotations can be filtered by Collection
- User Location Tracking is possible, but is currently disabled.
Preferences Tab:
- Preferences Tab is currently unused, in the future will be used to sign in to the arboretum, save favorite plants, etc.
- Children's Garden
- Event Lawn
- Fountain Garden
- Marsh Meadow
- North Terrace
- Overlook Pavillion
- Oasis Garden
- Pollinator's Garden
- Parking Lot
- Rose and Fragrance Garden
- Strolling Garden
- Fix for the small window size, need to set a launchscreen in build settings:
- Welcome screen
- [x]
- File information sidebar
- The Arboretum at Penn State: https://arboretum.psu.edu
- The Arboretum at Penn State Plant Finder: https://datacommons.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=88d9267530dc48db8635703130bb084e
- Image Classification: https://github.com/DavidDuarte22/ImageClassification02
@DavidDuarte22 (AVFoundation & Classification) https://github.com/DavidDuarte22/ImageClassification02 @NigelGee (URLImage) https://www.hackingwithswift.com/forums/swiftui/loading-images/3292