Note: If you find one that is not on list please create a pull request and add the htaccess that you would like. And also add what OS for ie. linux windows etc.
User Guide For Codeigniter 3 + Codeigniter 3 + Userguide
1: Choose your .htaccess file, And then place in the main directory but outside of the application folder.
2: Go to application/config/config.php
3: Set your base url as it is NOW RECOMMENDED TO DO SO something like below
$config['base_url'] = "http://localhost/yourprojectname/";
or your domain just Don't leave it blank.
4: Find $config['index_page'] = 'index.php';
5: And replace $config['index_page'] = '';
6: Do not touch the htaccess file in application folder.
7: You may need to configure your routes in application/config/routes.php
Example Routes application/config/routes.php
Note: Some times you do not need to configure your routes.
$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
$route['dashboard'] = 'dashboard';
$route['dashboard/(:any)'] = 'dashboard/$1';
Pull Request
You are more than welcome to create a pull request Pull Request If you come across any more htacces examples that might be a good idea to have. If you feel the read me file needs to be updated or improved you can make a pull request also.