This repository aims to serve as the dotfiles for the current system being run and administered by tanishqdaiya. Naturally, that means that these dotfiles are opinionated to tanishqdaiya’s tastes and does not aim to serve everyone. However, this might be a good reference or inspiration for someone who is learning to implement or steal some parts of the configuration. This configuration is also made from stealing from many different configurations to reach my own. n
Here, I assume the system to be a personal workstation, aimed at programming and general entertainment. It serves a personal computer with the main objective of developing software and entertain its user.
The current operating system being run is Arch Linux, however, these configurations are universal for the softwares used and does not require anything special. For example, Emacs on Windows will work similar to the one on any distribution of Linux – only limited by the scope of the application itself and not its configuration.
This is a general suggestion and one can follow something completely different and still be fine with it. This setup works best for a Unix-like system. Here is a basic structure of the custom folders we are going to create for the user:
Applications -> For manually installed applications, not managed by a package manager
Movies -> Alternative name used to refer to "Videos" folder
Here are the commands to create all the above directories in the home folder:
mkdir -p ~/Applications ~/Desktop ~/Downloads ~/Movies ~/Music ~/Pictures
NOTE that the creation of other required directories for running the configuration will be created by GNU Stow.
The configuration files can be put to their respective location by GNU Stow, which will create a soft symlink from the repository folder to the respective file locations.
The repository root directory itself represents where the configuration files must be stored in the home directory. If you wish to move your configuration files without using symlinks, then you are welcome to do that manually.
To install GNU Stow on Arch Linux:
pacman -S stow
To install the configuration:
stow .
It is recommended to check the documentation for Stow to achieve desired results. In future, I aim to write a script for automating everything.
Here, I aim to install all the required dependencies, related or unrelated to the configuration. This works to simpilify the installation process for the user. These packages aim to aid the system for proper functioning. Check all the files manually if you want full control over what you install.
Graphics Drivers
Check the table at Arch Linux wiki to install the required drivers. For my case:
pacman -S xf86-video-intel
Setup yay
git clone
cd yay-git
makepkg -si
pacman -S xorg xorg-server git base-devel networkmanager xclip unzip i3-wm lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter feh qt6ct lxappearance flameshot
Brightness setup in i3
yay -S acpilight
chmod a+rw /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness ## to fix the permission issues
systemctl enable lightdm
pacman -S neovim emacs-nativecomp clang
The color theme of the system and the wallpapers are inspired by Apple’s Macintosh system.
Released under the MIT License unless otherwise specified by license files in subfolders.