MobileFFmpeg v3.1
Maintenance release for FFmpeg v4.1.x.
- Includes
FFmpeg v4.1-10
- Fixes #47 and #50
% 5-10
performance boost onAndroid
(*)% 10-30
performance boost onIOS
(*)- Up to
% 50
less memory usage onIOS
- Adds support for
Android NDK r18b
- Removes
dependency forAndroid
, usesgradle wrapper
- New versions of
- IOS binaries support
Xcode v7.3.1
or later
This release is backward compatible with v2.1.x and later
min: Includes only ffmpeg
min-gpl: Includes ffmpeg with all GPL licensed external libraries enabled (libvid.stab, x264, x265, xvidcore)
https: Includes ffmpeg with gmp and gnutls enabled
https-gpl: Includes ffmpeg with gmp, gnutls and all GPL licensed external libraries enabled (libvid.stab, x264, x265, xvidcore)
audio: Includes ffmpeg with audio libraries enabled (chromaprint, lame, libilbc, libvorbis, opencore-amr, opus, shine, soxr, speex, twolame, wavpack)
video: Includes ffmpeg with video libraries without GPL license enabled (fontconfig, freetype, fribidi, kvazaar, libaom, libass, libiconv, libtheora, libvpx, libwebp, snappy)
full: Includes ffmpeg with all external libraries without GPL license enabled
full-gpl: Includes ffmpeg with all external libraries, with or without GPL license, enabled
External Libraries
- chromaprint v1.4.3
- fontconfig v2.13.1
- freetype v2.9.1
- fribidi v1.0.5
- gmp v6.1.2
- gnutls v3.5.19
- kvazaar v1.2.0
- lame v3.100
- libaom v1.0.0-1014
- libass v0.14.0
- libiconv v1.15
- libilbc v2.0.2
- libtheora v1.1.1
- (**) libvid.stab v1.1.0
- libvorbis v1.3.5
- libvpx v1.7.0
- libwebp v1.0.1
- libxml2 v2.9.8
- opencore-amr v0.1.5
- opus v1.3
- sdl v2.0.8
- shine v3.1.1
- snappy v1.1.7
- speex v1.2.0
- tesseract v3.05.02
- twolame v0.3.13
- wavpack v5.1.0
- (**) x264 v20181208-2245-stable
- (**) x265 v2.9
- (**) xvidcore v1.3.5
(*): Performance improvement depends on the codec and architecture
(**): Libraries with GPL license