a friendly tool for extracting the values from a json
go get -u github.com/tancehao/jsonparse
type Parser struct {
//unexported fields
NewParser(data []byte) *Parser
Initiate a parser with the original json bytes.
(p *Parser)Parse() (*Elem, error)
Parse the original bytes into a structure with whom one can friendly work with.
type Elem struct {
//the type of a element, it can be one of T_NUMBER, T_STRING, T_BOOL, T_NULL, T_ARRAY or T_OBJECT
Type int
//the key of this element in its parent. It's used for children of objects and arrays
Key string
//the parent of an element
Parent *Elem
//the children of an element, it may not empty when it's an object or an array
Children map[string]*Elem
//the ordered keys of its children
OrderedKeys []string
//unexported fields
(ele *Elem)TypeString() string
Return the type of an element in string format, it can be one of "number", "string", "bool", ""null", "array", "object"
(ele *Elem)Print()
Print the element with level-dependent indents.
(ele *Elem)Content() []byte
Return the original bytes of an element
(ele *Elem)String() string
Implements fmt.Stringer
(ele *Elem)Int64() (int64, error)
Convert the element into an int64 if it's of type T_NUMBER, error was returned otherwise.
(ele *Elem)Bool() (bool, error)
Convert the element into an bool if it's of type T_BOOL, error was returned otherwise.
(ele *Elem)Float64() (float64, error)
Convert the element into an float64 if it's a float, error was returned otherwise.
(ele *Elem)Slice() ([]string, error)
Return the children of an object or an array in a list of strings. Each element in the children was stringified. And the string keys where replaced with int indexes.
json := []byte(`{"foo1":"bar1","foo2":"bar2","foo3":"bar3"}`) data, _ := jsonparse.NewParser(json).Parse() fmt.Println(data.Slice()) // ["bar1", "bar2", "bar3"]
(ele *Elem)Map() (map[string]string, error)
Smilar to Slice(), except that the children have string keys.
(ele *Elem)Find(path string) (*Elem, error)
Find an element in an bigger one specified by a path. This method make one be able to extract the values from a json the way they did in some dynamic languages.
json := []byte(` {"success": true, "data": [ {"foo1":"bar1"}, {"foo2":"bar2"} ] }`) data, _ := jsonparse.NewParser(json).Parse() fmt.Println(data.Find(".data[2].foo2")) //bar2
(ele *Elem)Select(path ...string) []string
Get more than one value from a json once. Each value can be specified with a path, and found at the result list the order it was apecified.
(ele *Elem)IterateChildren(f func(*Elem))
Apply a function to each child of an element.