"Your Path to Wellness" is a comprehensive web application designed to guide users towards a healthier and more balanced life. The website focuses on providing valuable resources and information on mindful breathing techniques, nutrition, and holistic self-care practices.
- The Header
- An eye catching image with a webpage name. The colour chosen for a header continues throughout all sections.
- Navigation Bar
- Featured on all pages. Fully responsive navigation bar includes links to Home, Meditation, Activity, Diet, Cold, Breathing and Subscribe pages. This section will allow the user to navigate easily on a webpage.
- Sections
- Home Page. The Home Page of "Your Path to Wellness" introduces the website and its mission to help users achieve better health and well-being through various wellness practices. It includes an overview of the different sections available on the site.
- Meditation Page. The Meditation page provides resources on mindfulness and meditation techniques to help users relax, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity.
- Activity Page. The Activity page describes a range of physical exercises and activities designed to enhance fitness and overall health.
- Diet Page. The Diet page features nutritional advice, and dietary tips to support a balanced and healthy lifestyle. It provides information on the benefits of different diets.
- Cold Exposure Page. The Cold Exposure page explores the benefits of cold therapy, including techniques such as cold showers and ice baths. It discusses the health advantages and provides links to external pages.
- Breathing Page. The Breathing page offers information and video tutorials on various breathing exercises. These exercises aim to help users manage stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being through mindful breathing practices.
- Subscribe Page. The Subscribe Page invites users to join the newsletter for exclusive wellness tips, guided exercises, healthy recipes, and special offers. It helps users stay updated with the latest content and benefits.
- Footer
- The footer section includes links to the social media sites of this Wellness Page. The links will open to a new tab.
- I tested that this page works in different browsers: Chrome, Safari.
- I confirm that this project is responsive, looks good and functions on all standart screen sizes using the devtools device toolbar.
- I confirm that navigation, all pages and subscribe form are readable and easy to understand.
- I confirm that the form works correctly and requires/accepts only correct information.
- When I deployed my project to GitHub pages I discovered that my project had some broken external links, images links, they did not work. Also found some html code mistakes.
- Fixed the broken links and code mistakes.
- HTML. No errors were found when testing on the official W3C validator.
- CSS. No errors were found when testing on the official Jigsaw validator.
- Accessibility. I confirm that the chosen colours and fonts are easy to read and accessible by running it through lighthouse in devtools.
- No unfixed bugs.
The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are:
- In the GitHub repository choose Settings tab.
- From the left drop down menu select Pages.
- When selected Main branch and Save, the page provided the link to the completed webpage.
The link is here Your Path to Wellness
- The images for the website was takem from Pexels.