is a small operating system written in, unsurprisingly, the Rust
programming language. It follows Phill Oppermann's approachable blog "Writing
an OS in Rust".
This is a small project that only benefits me. I don't expect it to grow into a large, independent OS with a thriving ecosystem capable of luring thousands of users. Instead, this is me dipping my toes into a new experience that I have always been curious about.
As I go through this project, I aim to discover and understand how OSes really
work and what the process of development, testing and maintaining an OS is like.
Of course, rust-os
will be entirely inferior to the battle-tested and
time-proven systems out there like Linux and Windows. But I don't aim it to be
perfect or marketable. I just wanna have fun! And what better way to do so than
to build my very own OS?
Perhaps I could create my very own OS in the (far) future. I don't know what
features it would have, but I know that the mistakes and techniques I learn here
will be immensely useful for when I end up doing that. In the meantime, welcome
to my journey into developing rust-os