Releases: tEFFx/SnoozeTracker
Releases · tEFFx/SnoozeTracker
- UI reworked to use nGUI instead of legacy GUI to reduce CPU load
- Noise channel (PSG3) now outputs a steady DC offset for playing custom waveforms/samples on that channel as well
- Save/open now uses OS native dialogs instead of Mono
- Added loop points to envelopes
- Added noise mode envelope
- Added absolute notes to arpeggio envelope
- Added keyboard shortcut for save (CTRL+S)
- Added keyboard shortcut for select all (CTRL+A)
- Added keyboard selection (SHIFT+Arrow Keys)
- Added keyboard shortcut to go to top/bottom of pattern view (Home/End)
- Added pattern break trackFX (0Dxx)
- Added Linux support! (MIDI currently unsupported for Linux builds)
- Cut/copy/paste is now more reliable
- Undo now moves selection to the undone entry when undoing
- Pattern viewport will now make sure that the selected line is in view when the selection was moved
- PSG2 noise frequency control parity with VGMPlay (emulation)
- Playback speed will now revert to 6 whenever loading or zapping a song as it is the default speed
Updated ProjectSettings