In this repo we deploy a pipeline to spin up new VPN's at a push of a Button... Literally.
We also deploy and connect our AWS IoT Button via the Certificate Vending machine. This allows for it to be managed as a device in a more unified way.
Pull down the repository locally to start with
git clone
We utilize aws-pptp-cloudformation and therefore need to init the submodule in the project to use it.
git submodule init
We need to deploy the IoT Certificate vending machine lambda code somewhere accessible for CloudFormation.
## The command I use to deploy the IoT CVM code to my bucket
aws s3 cp aws-iot-cvm/ s3://devopstar/resources/aws-iot-vpn-spawner/
This reference must be updated in the aws-iot-cvm/iot-cvm-params.json
parameters file else it will default to the version in my bucket. This is only applicable if you'd prefer to deploy your own.
"ParameterKey": "LambdaCodeBucket",
"ParameterValue": "devopstar" # Bucket Name
"ParameterKey": "LambdaCodeS3Key",
"ParameterValue": "resources/aws-iot-vpn-spawner/" # Code Location
Deploys a IoT Vending machine instances that can be used to generate certificates for new devices
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name "devopstar-iot-cvm" \
--template-body file://aws-iot-cvm/iot-cvm.yaml \
--parameters file://aws-iot-cvm/iot-cvm-params.json \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Get details, including your API Endpoint for adding new IoT devices
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "devopstar-iot-cvm" \
--query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`RequestUrlExample`].OutputValue' \
--output text
Create a new Item in DynamoDB for your device by replacing:
- devopstar-iot-btn-01: With your desired name for the device / button
- secret_key: Something secret :)
aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name iot-cvm-device-info \
--item '{"deviceToken":{"S":"secret_key"},"serialNumber":{"S":"devopstar-iot-btn-01"}}'
Now make a request with the URL you got from the API gateway. Save the results to a file config/iot-key.json
You'll be returned a json response:
"certificateArn": "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:<account-id>:cert/009ff6ee0.........",
"certificateId": "009ff6ee092e......",
"certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDWTCCAkGgAwIBAgIUZiIgLi......-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"keyPair": {
"PublicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAO.......-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
"PrivateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEpAIBAAKCAQ........-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
"RootCA": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nMIIE0zCCA7ugAwIBAgIQGNrRniZ96Lt........-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
Place the outputs for each of the two fields below into new files in config/
- config/iot-certificate.pem.crt: certificatePem
- config/iot-private.pem.key: keyPair.PrivateKey
Annoyingly you'll have to remove the newline delimiters with actual newlines. I usually use a \\n
-> \n
regular expression find and replace in VSCode
Hold the button down on your IoT Button for 5+ seconds until the blue light starts blinking. Connect to the WiFi Host-spot that your Button starts broadcasting
It should have an SSID like: Button ConfigureME - GE3
. The Password is the last 8 digits of your DSN (on the back of the button or on the box it came in).
Navigate to in your browser and fill out the details.
You can retrieve your endpoint under the Settings > Custom Endpoint section of AWS IoT
Make a copy of the config/iot-setup-example.cfg
file to config/iot-setup.cfg
. Go through and replace:
- wifi_ssid (Line 4) - Your WiFi SSID
- wifi_password (Line 8) - Your WiFi PASS
- aws_iot_certificate (Line 13-32) - Your config/iot-certificate.pem.crt contents
- aws_iot_private_key (Line 38-64) - Your config/iot-private.pem.key contents
- endpoint_region (Line 69) - Your Endpoint Region (e.g. us-east-1)
- endpoint_subdomain (Line 73) - Your Endpoint Subdomain (get from IoT settings)
curl \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------3227789394019354511493055142" \
-F file=@config/iot-setup.cfg \
We'll start by pushing our and pptp-server.yaml files to an S3 bucket that CloudFormation can access.
# Package Lambda
cd aws-iot-action && ./ && ../
# Push Lambda to S3
aws s3 cp aws-iot-action/ s3://devopstar/resources/aws-iot-vpn-spawner/
# Upload copy of PPTP yaml
aws s3 cp aws-pptp-cloudformation/pptp-server.yaml s3://devopstar/resources/aws-iot-vpn-spawner/pptp-server.yaml
Make sure you edit your aws-iot-action/iot-rule-params.json
to include your S3 paths if you aren't using mine. You also need to make sure you update your IoTButtonTopic
parameter so that it matches your device ID (found on the back of the button). The VPNSubscriber
should be set to your email address that you want to receive notifications to about your newly created VPN.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name "devopstar-iot-rule" \
--template-body file://aws-iot-action/iot-rule.yaml \
--parameters file://aws-iot-action/iot-rule-params.json \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM