This behavior class allows you to specify an attribute which, upon setting or being set, prevents the model from being changed. Think of it as a latch that locks the model once a particular value has been set and saved.
This is intended to act as a failsafe to prevent a fixed record from being updated even if you make a mistake in the controller and allow a change to be made.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require synatree/yii2-readonly-behavior "*"
or add
"synatree/yii2-readonly-behavior": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by adding the behavior to your ActiveRecord model:
use synatree\behaviors\ReadOnlyBehavior;
public function behaviors(){
return [
'readonly' => [
'class' => ReadonlyBehavior::className(),
'attribute' => 'setmeonce',
'onError' => function($param, $value){
Yii::warning("Already Set, cannot set $param");
throw new \yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException("Already Set");
'attribute' => 'modelattr', // your model attribute that will trigger a lock. Lock will take effect when the record is loaded from or saved to the database.
'onError' => ... // callable, either a function, function name, etc. per PHP manual is_callable
'stopEvent' => true, // stop the AR event that tried to change an attribute. If false, the db record will be updated, but the values will be the same as when locked.