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1.3 Downloading sources

Vasilis Glykantzis edited this page May 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

The SSP components are available in github, in the repositories shown in Chapter 1. For a concrete example, lets say that we will install everything in directory /opt/symbiote on Linux machine.

You can download then using the following commands:

$ git clone
$ git clone

Master branches contain the latest stable symbIoTe release version, develop branch is a general development branch containing newest features that are added during development and particular feature branches are where new features are developed. For symbIoTe smart spaces installation, the following components are currently being used and required to properly deploy a smart space in L3/4compliance:

  • AuthenticationAuthorizationManager (abbr. PAAM) - service responsible for providing a common authentication and authorization mechanism for symbIoTe
  • SymbioteSmartSpace - service responsible for storing and searching for metadata as well as provide access to resources