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Module: Memory

Jon S Akhtar edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 5 revisions

The memory module supports the saving of your game's chat settings to your current Prat profile.

If you use the same profile on each of your characters, this will allow you to have the same chat set-up across your entire account. It is recommended that you use the 'Default' profile on all your characters unless you have more advanced needs.

The settings that are saved by this module are:

Frame Appearance and Behavior

  • Frame Name
  • Position and Size
  • Minimized state and location
  • Background color and opacity
  • Font Size
  • Statuses: Shown, Docked, Locked and Uninteractable

Chat Settings

  • Message Types Enabled
  • Chat Channels Joined
  • Chat Colors
  • Chat Tab Flash Behavior

Memory - Options Panel

Save Settings Press this button to save the blizzard chat settings and frame positions to Prat's settings.

Load Settings Press this button to load any previously saved settings you have and reconfigure the chatframes based on those settings

Load Settings Automatically - Checking this box will load the saved settings automatically on any character that uses the current profile.

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