PHP Framework for competitive programming
This is an app skeleton for task solver. If you want to use it as a library, check sycu/task-solver-core repository.
composer create-project sycu/task-solver my-project
Modify config.php to your needs.
You can filter tasks by providing [FILTER] argument (regexp)
php solve [FILTER] [OPTIONS]
- solutions - skip tests, just calculate and return solutions. For now only works after FILTER argument, but you can pass an empty string for workaround.
php solve
php solve Day5
php solve "Day[0-9]{1,2}B"
php solve "Day[3-6]B" solutions
Example output:
$ php solve "Day([5-9]|10|11)"
Day5A: . Solved in 0.000s: FJSRQCFTN
Day5B: . Solved in 0.000s: CJVLJQPHS
Day6A: ..... Solved in 0.001s: 1766
Day6B: ..... Solved in 0.001s: 2383
Day7A: . Solved in 0.000s: 1428881
Day7B: . Solved in 0.000s: 10475598
Day8A: . Solved in 0.006s: 1809
Day8B: . Solved in 0.007s: 479400
Day9A: . Solved in 0.003s: 6181
Day9B: .. Solved in 0.009s: 2386
Day10A: . Solved in 0.000s: 13480
Day10B: . Solved in 0.000s:
Day11A: . Solved in 0.002s: 108240
Day11B: . Solved in 0.954s: 25712998901
It will create task data in tasks/ directory, which you should fill out. Actual code template will be located in src/Tasks/
php generate KEY
php generate Day12A
Files to fill (assuming Day12A is a task key):
File | Description | Required |
src/Tasks/Day12A.php | Your code for the task. Just implement "solve" method for given array of input lines. | Yes |
tasks/Day12A/description.txt | Task description. It is not used anywhere, just for convenience. | No |
tasks/Day12A/input.txt | Input for the actual problem. | Yes |
tasks/Day12A/output.txt | Working solution, that you have already submitted. It is used to validate your code during refactoring. | No |
tasks/Day12A/test1.input.txt | Input for a test case. You can have multiple test cases, just add test2.input.txt and so on. | No |
tasks/Day12A/test1.output.txt | Output for a test case. Each test input should have a matching output file to be executed. | No |