This project includes three models.
MTCNN(pnet.tflite, rnet.tflite, onet.tflite), input: one Bitmap, output: Box. Use this model to detect faces from an image.
FaceAntiSpoofing(FaceAntiSpoofing.tflite), input: one Bitmap, output: float score. Use this model to determine whether the image is an attack.
MobileFaceNet(MobileFaceNet.tflite), input: two Bitmaps, output: float score. Use this model to judge whether two face images are one person.
iOS platform implementation:
This project is the Android implementaion of MTCNN face detection.
Use the MTCNN here to convert .tflite, so that you can adapt to any shape.
Here's how to convert .tflite.
Face Anti-spoofing. I trained FaceAntiSpoofing.tflite, which only supports print attack and replay attack. If you have other requirements, please use this source code to retrain.
Use this model for face comparison on mobile phones because it is very small.
After putting .tflite in your assets directory, remember to add this code to your gradle:
aaptOptions {
noCompress "tflite"