Easily use FontAwesome icons in your iOS projects
Currently using FontAwesome 4.0
Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io
For available icons, look at font-awesome-codes.h or browse them at the FontAwesome website.
Get the FontAwesome font:
UIFont *fontAwesome = [FontAwesome fontWithSize:30.0f];
Make a UILabel with a FontAwesome Icon:
UILabel *label = [FontAwesome labelWithIcon:fa_cutlery size:20.0f color:[UIColor blackColor]];
Adjust an existing UILabel to show a FontAwesome Icon:
[FontAwesome label:existingLabel
color:[UIColor blackColor]
Render a FontAwesome Icon in a UIImage:
UIImage *icon = [FontAwesome imageWithIcon:fa_cutlery
iconColor:[UIColor redColor]
imageSize:CGSizeMake(90.0f, 90.0f)];
Or if you happen to have an alternate icon font, and just want to use the image rendering code with your own font:
UIImage *icon2 = [FontAwesome imageWithText:@"\uf190"
font:[UIFont fontWithName:@"FontAwesome" size:60.0f]
iconColor:[UIColor redColor]
imageSize:CGSizeMake(90.0f, 90.0f)];
CocoaPods is great:
- add
pod 'FontAwesomeTools'
to your Podfile pod install
- open the xcworkspace
- Modify your project's Info.plist file as described below
Non-CocoaPods is easy too:
- Drag the folder 'FontAwesomeTools' into your project
- Modify your project's Info.plist file as described below
Modify your project's Info.plist file:
- Open your project's Info.plist file by clicking on the project in the Navigator on the left, then choosing 'Info'.
- Under 'Custom iOS Target Properties', click the last Key in the list, then click on the '+' icon.
- For the new key, type 'Fonts provided by application'.
- Twirl down the arrow icon, double-tap the right-most box to enter the string value, and type 'FontAwesome.otf'.
There are already a couple FontAwesome libraries for iOS, here is why I decided to make this one:
- Easy upgradability and simpler implementation. No decoupling of the icon name and the unicode value -- I decided to define macros vs. create an enum lookup. The macro header file is a format that can be upgraded instantly with a short script written for a new css file, minimum thought and time required.
- Prefer a naming system as similar as possible to the original FontAwesome CSS. For example, the icon title for 'fa-glass' becomes 'fa_glass', since dashes are disallowed in c macro names.
- Reduced Complexity. I thought I could improve on the available implementations, and hopefully that will make FontAwesomeTools-iOS easier for you to work with.
I built this for inclusion in my app design templates available at TapTemplate