Firstly, we'll begin with forking the repository📂. You'll find the fork icon on the top-right corner of the page, Click on it.
Now, Clone/download the forked repository into your local machine. To do this click the green button saying "Code", copy the URL and paste it in your Gitbash terminal like so.
git clone
cd gitgo
Before you start adding your profile details 📝 in your main branch, let's make changes in the project safely off to one side by creating a new branch.
git branch username-profile
git checkout branch-name
In your downloaded repository 📂, Navigate to src/Components/profileList
. In the profileList.js
file you might already see few profiles added, add your profile👽 by refering to the same.
name: 'your_name',
githubUsername: 'gh_username',
instagramUsername: 'ig_username',
twitterUsername: 'twitter_username',
linkedinURL: '',
Now you must stage all the changes you made. Type the following command in your terminal(inside your project directory) to do so.
git add -A
git commit -m "your_message"
git push -u origin your_branch_name