Java client / API used to collect reconciliation information from Svea Ekonomi's Webpay web services.
- Java >= 1.8 Version 0.0.9 and onwards support JDK 21.
- Git
- Maven
The below dependency is planned to be in maven central. Before they are deployed there you need to install it manually in your local maven repository. Simple instructions for that below.
git clone
cd webpay-common
mvn install
git clone
cd webpayadminreports
# Skip tests unless you have configured a credentials file
mvn install -DskipTests
In the directory webpayadminreports after above has been run.
mvn assembly:single
The above will create a single jar which contains all necessary code to run this API.
You'll find the jar in the target directory, it will be named something like below
Run with
java -jar target/webpayadmin-reports-0.0.8-jar-with-dependencies.jar
If you end up with "Invalid target release", when compiling, see
The purpose of this software is to get reconcilation reports from Svea Ekonomi in a composite format. This means that you can get information about all payments during a given time span into one single file.
The services used to compile the information are described here.
When username and password is used (which is supplied by Svea Ekonomi) you'll get a report of all accounts that are tied to that username.
To control more in detail what accounts are fetched, a configuration file can be used.
usage: WebpayAdminClientMain
-u,--user <arg> User supplied by Svea Ekonomi to fetch
reports. Can be specified in config-file.
-p,--pass <arg> Password supplied by Svea Ekonomi to fetch
reports. Can be specified in config-file.
-a,--account <arg> Specify account when using user as argument.
Not mandatory
-t,--type <arg> Specify type of account. Mandatory when
account is used.
-d,--fromdate <arg> From date in format yyyy-MM-dd. If omitted,
yesterday's date is used
-untildate <arg> Until date in format yyyy-MM-dd
-format <arg> Select other format than json. Available
formats are 'xlsx', 'csv', 'flat-json' and 'bgmax'
-outdir <arg> Output to directory (and use outfile name if
-outfile <arg> Output to file instead of stdout
-recipientorgnr <arg> Sets recipient org nr to <arg> in output. Used to
construct the file name in some cases.
-recipientname <arg> Sets recipient name to <arg> in output. Used to
construct the file name in some cases.
-debug <arg> Enable debug
-c,--configfile <arg> XML-configuration file where credentials are
stored. Use a config file when detailed
configuration is needed.
-j --jsonconfigfile <arg> Json-configuration file where credentials and
other options are stored. Use a config file when
detailed configuration is needed.
The option -savejsonconfigfile can be used to
generate a starting configuration file.
-enrich Enrich data with as much information as possible.
-noprune Return report type groups even if they are empty.
Good to use to check what accounts are actually
-savejsonconfigfile <arg> Save credentials as json file. Handy for generating
configuration files and listing the accounts available for
reporting and other actions
The easiest way to create a configuration to fetch information is by first creating a config file from your credentials.
The credentials are a username and password used for system integration. It's NOT the same as your login to
The username is normally your sitename as assigned by WebPay when you received your account. If you don't have these login details, contact your contact person at Svea Webpay for the credentials.
When you have the credentials run the following
java -jar target/webpayadmin-reports-0.0.X-jar-with-dependencies.jar -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -savejsonconfigfile myconfig.json
This will create a configuration file with your account details in the file myconfig.json.
To fetch reporting information, the next step can be as example
java -jar target/webpayadmin-reports-0.0.X-jar-with-dependencies.jar -j myconfig.json -d 2019-12-10 -format xlsx
The above example will create an Excel-report with your transactions dating to 2019-12-10.
Another example Excel Format which specifies where the file should be saved.
java -jar target/webpayadmin-reports-0.0.X-jar-with-dependencies.jar -u sverigetest -p sverigetest -format xlsx -outfile myfile.xlsx -outdir /tmp