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Core and advance concept of Synchronous and Asynchronous JavaScript with example codes and snippets

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  1. var, let and const keyword
  2. DataTypes in js
  3. Operators
  4. TypeConversion
  5. Conditional Statements
  6. Loops
  7. Array 1D
  8. Spread Operator (...var_name)


  1. Array 1D (Some Que & Sorting Concept) -DONE
  2. Array 2D (Declaration, Initializing & Accessing elements) -DONE
  3. StringManipulation & Methods (ASCII values) -DONE


  1. Functions (Definition, Types, UseCases, HOF-Higher Order Functions)
  2. Scopes, Exception Context, call Stack, stack overflow
  3. Rest & arguments Operator (UseCase in Functions).
  4. Objects & it's Properties & Methods (How to access, add, update values )
  5. Object Constructor Function (Definition, Usecase & need)
  6. Practice Que using Function and Object.
  7. right way to copy object and arrays - Deep Copy and Shallow Copy.
  8. Closures
  9. Generator Function in JavaScript - pending
  10. Object and Array Destructuring.
  11. how internal javascript works. (MemoryCreation Phase and Code Execution Phase)


  1. DOM & some Methods of DOM a. What is DOM b. alert(), prompt() and confirm(). (Dialog-Boxes) c. document.write() d. document.getElementById('id_name').innerHTML = value or string e. let input = document.getElementById('id_name').value (selectors) f. createElement() Method g. appendChild() Method h. DOM manipulation using JS (CRUD operation concept of HTMl elements)
  2. JSON - (Definition, Data Parsing, Accessing JSON, Practice Questions)


  1. sync & async JS
  2. setTimeout(), setInterval(), clearInterval() -async Methods
  3. Event Loop.


  1. AJAX
  2. callbacks and callbackHell (sync & async both)
  3. Promises
  4. async await
  5. fetch()
  6. Exception Handling (try catch)

Session7---> Promise-APIs

  1. Promise.all()
  2. Promise.allSettle()
  3. Promise.race()
  4. Promise.any()

Session8---> Fetch CRUD operations

  1. Concept of Fetch API (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  2. Build our own fetch() method using ajax and Promise

Session9---> Everything about this keyword

  1. behavior inside global scope
  2. behavior inside Function scope
  3. behavior inside Object Methods
  4. this binding - call(), apply() & bind()
  5. This keyword with arrow functions

Session10---> ES6 Modules

  1. import & export
  2. default export & import
  3. import multiple things & Module scope

Session11---> OOPS Concepts

  1. Theory (Abstration, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation)
  2. Factory Function
  3. proto and prototype
  4. Constructor Function
  5. class & constructor method of class
  6. extends keyword and super constructor
  7. static keyword
  8. public & private properties inside classes
  9. getters and setters inside classes.

Session12---> Local Storage

  1. get item from local storage
  2. set item in local storage

Advance Topic - Pending

  1. You don't know for loop yet
  2. Conditional statements


Core and advance concept of Synchronous and Asynchronous JavaScript with example codes and snippets







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