[ETHEREUM-CONTRACTS] more realistic fUSDC (#2023) #826
on: push
Checking what packages need to be built
Build and Test Subgraph (Development Branch)
Run subgraph unit tests
5m 12s
Build and Test Subgraph (Development Branch)
Run subgraph integration tests
6m 36s
Matrix: Build and Test Spec Haskell (Canary Branch) / test-spec-haskell
Build and Test Solidity Semantic Money (Canary Branch)
Test solidity-semantic-money - Linux
6m 24s
Hot Fuzz (Development Branch)
Test HotFuzz - Linux
14m 20s
Build and Test Automation Contracts (Canary Branch)
Test Automation Contracts
7m 3s
Coverage test ethereum-contracts (Canary Branch)
Preparing Conditional Strategy Matrix
Build and Test SDK-Core Coverage (Canary Branch)
Preparing Conditional Strategy Matrix
Test ethereum-contracts (Canary Branch)
Preparing Conditional Strategy Matrix
Build and Test SDK-Core (Development Branch)
Preparing Conditional Strategy Matrix
Deploy Hosted Service Subgraph to dev endpoints on all networks
Determine Networks
Deploy Hosted Service Subgraph to dev endpoints on all networks
Show Contexts
Matrix: Coverage test ethereum-contracts (Canary Branch) / Test ethereum-contracts
Matrix: Build and Test SDK-Core Coverage (Canary Branch) / Test SDK-Core
Matrix: Test ethereum-contracts (Canary Branch) / Test ethereum-contracts
Matrix: Build and Test SDK-Core (Development Branch) / Test SDK-Core
Matrix: Deploy Hosted Service Subgraph to dev endpoints on all networks / Build and Deploy Subgraph
Waiting for pending jobs
Upload Coverage Reports (Feature Branch)
Upload coverage reports
Publish canary packages to registries
5m 4s
Publish canary HTML docs
7m 22s
Matrix: Upgrade ethereum-contracts on canary testnet (protocol release version "canary")