A curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- vpkg - An alternative package manager for V.
- vpm - The V language package management tool written in V.
- v - V itself. Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software.
- vbf - A brainfuck interpreter/compiler.
- vid - 1 MB text editor written in V with hardware accelerated text rendering. Compiles in <1s.
- vorum - Open-source blogging/forum software written in V
- Heroku Buildpack for V - Deploy V apps on Heroku.
- Vlang the Game - A little platformer written in V with vSDL2, made purely for memes and fun.
- HN-top – A simple command to list most recent news from hacker-news
- v-vim - Support for V syntax highlighting in Vim.
- vim-v - Vim syntax highlighter for V programming language.
- vscode-vlang - V Language extension for Visual Studio Code.
- kate-syntax-highlight-v - V syntax highlighting for Kate
- v-args - V library for parsing arguments from argv-like arrays.
- progressbar - An easy to use V library for creating progress bars in cli
- boxx - 📦 Create highly customizable terminal boxes that also look great!
- lol - V version of lolcat (text/character rainbowizer)
- vgl - Low-level graphics API access.
- v-regex - A simple regex library for V.
- chalk - Colorize strings in the terminal.
- crayon - 🖍️ Paint your terminal output like Picasso 🎨
- vrobot - Desktop automation for V. Only supports Windows.
- vgram - Telegram bot library
- v-mime - MIME detection library for V.
- vraylib - V wrapper (bindings) for raylib, the C game development framework.
- vSDL2 - SDL2 V module / libSDL2 wrapper (accompanying examples & tests are at sdl2test.)
- eventbus - A simple event bus system for V
- V UI - Integrated cross platform UI toolkit for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and the web.
- rosetta-code-v - Solutions for Rosetta Code in V.
- Learn V in Y Minutes
- V by Example as GitBook
- V learning notes - personal learning notes in Chinese.