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3. Background Learning

Chang edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Web App Development and Javascript

This section is for people who have no experience with Web App and Javascript. If you have experience with Javascript, npm, and webpack, you can follow this official tutorial directly from SOLID Write a SOLID application.

If you are like me who don't have any experiment with Web App, Javascript, npm, webpack, I would suggest learning some knowledge about Javascript first. I followed two tutorial videos:

  1. Javascript for beginner
  2. Javascript project tutorial

Then, I would suggest you learn how to use npm and webpack:

  1. npm Get started, Tutorial, Crash course, Installation
  2. webpack Get started, Installation

After learning from the above tutorials and before you start programming the app:

  1. Make sure you have installed recently updated npm. npm -v

  2. Start with ../dist/index.html and ../src/index.js (you should learn this from the Javascript tutorials)

  3. Create a new folder. In this folder, run npm init and follow the instruction. You will get a node_modules folder and package.json file. Next, run the following command. Then you will see the updates in the package.json file.

    npm install --save @type/solid-auth-client
    npm install --save solid-auth-client
    npm install --save-dev webpack
    npm install --save-dev webpack-cli
  4. Following the guidence, in package.json do:

    + "private": true,
    - "main": "index.js",

    in dist/index.html, do:

    -    <script src="./src/index.js"></script>
    +    <script src="main.js"></script>

    Next, in the folder, run npx webpack , then you will see a tsconfig.josn appears.

NOW, you are ready to build your first SOLID App by following this.

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