Program shows weather and next day forcast for given cites
It's also demonstrates how long it takes time for different methods of request
reatriev_weather button - do common synchronous requests to the weather server
retrieve_weather_async button - fulfill asynchronous requests to the server (which do not block UI and executes much faster)
retrieve_weather_thread button - make the requests in their own threaded, as pysimplegui docs proposes (these requests are fast and do not block UI either like async requests, but at demonstration You can see a delay caused probably by threading creation (or even more probably becayse this method need to be used inside common synchronous loop over asynchronous like here))
Clock - demonsrates either or not UI to be blocked by defferent methods
Linux To install the app run one of these blocks in terminal:
- if poetry:
git clone && \
cd async_pysimplegui && \
poetry install
- elif pip:
git clone && \
cd async_pysimplegui && \
python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate && \
python -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install .
Windows: after you clone repository go to the folder and run command in Your terminal:
py -m venv venv && venv\Scripts\activate ^
py -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install .
probably instead 'py' You should type 'python'
You need 'APPID.txt' file with Your API-KEY in there for program to work
To launch the app run one of these blocks in terminal
- if poetry:
poetry run python
- else:
- [done] make aiohttp request which not block UI
- [done] clean code style, delete global variables
- [done] implement variant of function which uses thread (window.perform_long_operation) method
- [done] lead to OOP