Status: Alpha. The design and prototyping stage.
Add the following dependency in your project:
;; project.clj or build.boot
[team.sultanov/xtdb-tarantool "0.1.61"]
;; deps.edn
team.sultanov/xtdb-tarantool {:mvn/version "0.1.61"}
First you need to configure the Tarantool:
;; src/develop/clojure/xtdb/tarantool/example.clj
(ns xtdb.tarantool.example
[ :as tools.repl]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[integrant.repl :as ig.repl]
[integrant.repl.state :as ig.repl.state]
[xtdb.api :as xt]
[xtdb.tarantool :as tnt])
(tools.repl/set-refresh-dirs "src/dev/clojure")
(defn config
{::xtdb-tnt {::tnt-client {:xtdb/module 'xtdb.tarantool/->tnt-client
:username "root"
:password "root"}
:xtdb/tx-log {:xtdb/module 'xtdb.tarantool/->tx-log
:tnt-client ::tnt-client
:poll-wait-duration (Duration/ofSeconds 5)}
:xtdb.http-server/server {:read-only? true
:server-label "[xtdb-tarantool] Console Demo"}}})
(defn prep
(ig.repl/set-prep! config))
(defn go
(def halt ig.repl/halt)
(def reset-all ig.repl/reset-all)
(defn system
(defmethod ig/init-key ::xtdb-tnt [_ config]
(xt/start-node config))
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::xtdb-tnt [_ ^Closeable node]
(tnt/close node))
;; open http://localhost:3000/
(def node
(::xtdb-tnt (system)))
(xt/submit-tx node [[::xt/put {:xt/id "xtdb-tarantool", :user/email "[email protected]"}]])
;; => #:xtdb.api{:tx-id 1, :tx-time #inst"2021-12-04T01:27:15.641-00:00"}
(xt/q (xt/db node) '{:find [e]
:where [[e :user/email "[email protected]"]]})
;; => #{["xtdb-tarantool"]}
(xt/q (xt/db node)
'{:find [(pull ?e [*])]
:where [[?e :xt/id "xtdb-tarantool"]]})
;; => #{[{:user/email "[email protected]", :xt/id "xtdb-tarantool"}]}
(def history (xt/entity-history (xt/db node) "xtdb-tarantool" :desc {:with-docs? true}))
;; => [#:xtdb.api{:tx-time #inst"2021-12-04T01:31:14.080-00:00",
;; :tx-id 2,
;; :valid-time #inst"2021-12-04T01:31:14.080-00:00",
;; :content-hash #xtdb/id"d0eb040d39fbdaa8699d867bc9fb9aa244b8e154",
;; :doc {:user/email "[email protected]", :xt/id "xtdb-tarantool"}}]
(->> (map ::xt/doc history)
(filterv (comp (partial = "[email protected]") :user/email)))
;; => [{:user/email "[email protected]", :xt/id "xtdb-tarantool"}]
✓ Add tx-log
❏ Add kv-store
❏ Add document-store
❏ Add logging
❏ Improve tests
❏ Add automatic tarantool configuration (in-memory / vinyl)
❏ Add an example of using a tarantool cartridge
❏ Add an example of using a tarantool kubernetes operator (single node / cluster / with sharding)
❏ Add rockspec and publish tarantool configuration to luarocks?
# run tarantool
$ bb up
# stop tarantool
$ bb down
# run repl
$ bb repl
# check for outdated dependencies
$ bb outdated
# upgrade outdated dependencies
$ bb outdated:upgrade
# run linters
$ bb lint
# run linters and fix issues
$ bb lint:fix
# run only unit tests
$ bb test:unit
# run only integration tests (requires a running tarantool)
$ bb test:integration
# run all tests
$ bb test