- ubuntu.
- ROS Kinetic if you have Ubuntu 16.04.
Clone the project repository: git clone https://github.com/suljaxm/mobile-robot-sim.git
- keyboard control
- voice control
- object detection
- virtual binocular calibration
- two wheeled robot navigation
- four wheeled robot navigation
cd mobile-robot-sim/src
cd ..
First we need to set up the environment before we can run the modules.
source mobile-robot-sim/devel/setup.bash
- Multi-Sensor Car
roslaunch mbot_gazebo view_mbot_with_sensor_gazebo_automobile.launch
Voice-Control Car
- dependencies(xfyun_sdk)
sudo cp libmsc.so /usr/lib sudo apt install sox sudo apt install libsox-fmt-all
For details on how to use the sdk, see https://www.xfyun.cn.
- start car simulation
roslaunch mbot_gazebo view_mbot_gazebo_empty_world_automobile.launch
- start the voice control node
roslaunch robot_voice voice_control_automobile.launch
- wake up the voice-control node
rostopic pub /voiceWakeup std_msgs/String "data: '1'"
- start car simulation
roslaunch mbot_gazebo mbot_laser_nav_gazebo_automobile.launch
- start the slam node
roslaunch mbot_navigation gmapping_demo.launch
- start sweeping robot simulation
roslaunch mbot_gazebo mbot_laser_nav_gazebo_sweep.launch
- load map
roslaunch mbot_navigation nav_maze_demo.launch
- set navigation goal
rosrun mbot_navigation move_test.py
SLAM && Navigation
- start sweeping robot simulation
roslaunch mbot_gazebo mbot_laser_nav_gazebo_sweep.launch
- start the navigation node
roslaunch mbot_navigation exploring_slam_demo.launch
- set navigation goals
rosrun mbot_navigation exploring_random.py
- start sweeping robot simulation
roslaunch mbot_gazebo mbot_maze_gazebo.launch
- start the slam node
roslaunch mbot_navigation exploring_slam_demo.launch
- start the object-find node
roslaunch mbot_vision find_target.launch
- Navigation
- start sweeping robot simulation
roslaunch mbot_gazebo mbot_maze_gazebo.launch
- start the navigation node
roslaunch mbot_navigation nav_maze_demo.launch
- start the object-find node
roslaunch mbot_vision find_target_pro.launch