Wordfinder system that responds single word queries. This system allows users to enter a single word, then returns a list of documents containing this word.
Document Indexing System was written by using Visual Studio (version 2017) that's why you'll need Visual Studio or Dev C++. To start using with Visual Studio, after downloading Document Indexing.rar, Extract Document Indexing Folder to any directory, and open the file named "Source.sln" with Visual Studio and Follow these steps;
- You will see "Solution Explorer" top right corner of the program, Open "Header Files" and "Source Files".
- Open all these files -> Node.h, Node.cpp, List.h, List.cpp, and Source.cpp.
The program is ready now, Tabs should look like this;
Please make sure that all files are opened correctly.
After everything is done, you can run the program. You can use CTRL+F5 to run.
- There are 9598 txt files in the "(any folder name)\Task 2\files" directory. This is our document pool. The words will be searched from within this source.
- You can change the number of files to search from Source.cpp. You can write up to 9598 at most. If you increase this number, the searching part will take longer time.
->Note that Source.cpp is the main part of the program!
- There is also a stopwords.txt file. This file consists of filtered words, such as ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ etc. "stop words" usually refers to the most common words in a language. So, these words will be trimmed and will not be searched when you run the program.
- There are certain searching rules, you will see these on the cmd's screen when you run the program.
---> When you enter a searchable word, program will find a list of documents containing this word.
---> When you want to quit the program will show you a summary chart of the linked lists
Document Indexing System is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
You can download the latest release from here.
This project was prepared and shared for educational purphoses only. You can use or edit any file as you wish :) This project may helpful for students who take Data Structures Lesson.
Süha TANRIVERDİ Çankaya University, Computer Engineering Department.