✔️ Jest v20.0.4
✔️ ES6
✔️ Bulma v0.4.4c(optional pure css based library)
🔘 Simple config with easy customization options
🔘 Optimized Production ready build
🔘 Component testing with Jest + SnapShot creation
🔘 Hot Module Reloading
🔘 CSS loader support (SASS addition with 2 lines of code)
🔘 Eslint standard config
🔘 A sample app using React Routerv4
Node 6+
Clone the repository and run
npm install
Star the development server
npm run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ to see the app running live
(port settings can be changed in webpack.config.js)
To run the Jest testing utilities
npm test
(creates a new folder snapshots in the respective test folder.learn more about Snapshot Testing)
To run the Production build
npm run build
(creates the associated .js and .css files in the dist folder)
To add a SASS loader
npm install sass-loader node-sass webpack --save-dev
Add the following to the test: /.css$/ section of webpack.config.js
test: /\.sass$/, use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ fallback: "style-loader", loader: "css-loader","sass-loader", })```
Production Plugins
I have added couple of plugins for production which could be customized according to your preferences. Choose your preferred plugins here
You can simply push the plugins in your dev/prod process through the following condition in the webpack config file.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { config.plugins.push(new xyz plugin ) } else { config.plugins.push(new xyz plugin ) }
Should you choose to not use Eslint at all,you can unistall it through npm or ignore it for a specific file by using
/* eslint-disable */
at the top of the file -
By default,I have commented out the standard eslint config for react which can be enabled by uncommenting out the code block in the .eslintrc file.
/*"extends": [
- I have included a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox to demonstrate how you can use third party liblaries should you wish to use bootstrap/materal design in a similar way.
- You can always emove it by
npm uninstall --save bulma
- Have a feature request you wish to see in the config file ? PR's welcomed
- Don't hesitate to log a issue if you come across any.
react-webpack-3-boilerplate is available under MIT.