This repository contains a docker-compose file where if you launch It you can create three microservices:
- Ubuntu 16.04 with nginx
- mariadb 10.1
- php 7.1
Inside file docker-compose.yml you need to change if you want path and is necessary to have into your project:
- a file utils/nginx.conf where you have your custom nginx configuration
- a file utils/default.conf where you have your custom nginx configuration fo sites-available and sites-enabled directories
- a file called .env (you can rename .env.dist from this repo) where you specifiy database connection parameters like this:
In this way you have your nginx custom configuration and your database parameters.
When you are ready you can launch this command:
docker-compose up
To stop It you can do this:
docker-compose stop
If you want to enter with bash inside a container you need to launch into your CLI:
docker ps
Now you can see three processes: nginx, mariadb, php71. You need to take the container ID where you want to enter with bash and launch this command:
docker exec -it containerID bash
This docker compose use those microservices: