Scripts for exploring selection on helminths in multiple populations. Specifically in regards to Redman 2015 in PLoS NTDs an H. contortus.
- Script accepts a fasta file and parses it for stats using pylibseq modules
- Main script for creating figures 1A and 1B in the manuscript. You will have to change the path to msms in the code.
- A mistake in how I was coding resistant haplotypes. This script should be run on the output csv of
- Script accepts a ms-formatted file and parses it for use with pylibseq modules
- Simple script that takes as input a ms-formatted file and outputs FST calculations as well as p-values based on permutation test. I implemented this after some issues with the current version of msstats and FST calculation from stdin. Probably become deprecated when pylibset and pymsstats is updated.
- Text version of some of the models.
- Markdown for plotting output data