go get github.com/structure-ac/structure-go
You'll need to authenticate your requests to access any of the endpoints in the Structure API. In this guide, we'll look at how authentication works. Structure offers authentication for your API requests with a token.
Authentication with the Structure API is using OAuth2. When establishing a connection using OAuth2, you will need your access token — you will find it in the Structure dashboard under API settings.
package main
func main() {
s := sdk.New(
BearerAuth: "",
ctx := context.Background()
res, err := s.Companies.Enrich(ctx, operations.EnrichCompanyRequest{
ID: "89bd9d8d-69a6-474e-8f46-7cc8796ed151",
if err != nil {
if res.Body != nil {
// handle response
- ListUsers - Show current user accounts
- Enrich - Enrich a company profile
- ListEmployees - List company employees
- ListJobs - List company jobs
- Search - Search Companies