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sjPlot 2.3.1

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@sjPlot sjPlot released this 05 Mar 08:44
· 805 commits to master since this release


  • All sjt-functions can now be directly integrated into knitr-code-chunks, because sjPlot exports a knitr-print-method (see vignette("sjtbasic", "sjPlot")).
  • sjtab() now also works within knitr-documents (see vignette("sjtbasic", "sjPlot")).
  • Updated Namespace for functions that moved from package sjstats to sjmisc.

Changes to functions

  • Changed defaults for save_plot().
  • save_plot() now also supports svg-format.
  • For effect-plots (type = "eff"), the axis.title-argument can now be used to change the title of y-axes.
  • For sjp.lm(), sjp.glm(), sjp.lmer() and sjp.glmer(), if color palette has more values than needed, it is silently shortend to the required length.
  • When plotting mixed models, argument geom.colors now also applies to plot-type type = "ri.slope".
  • Default correlation-method for sjt.corr() and sjp.corr() is now pearson.
  • Argument emph.p for printing tables of regression models now defaults to FALSE.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in sjt.frq() for variables with many missing values and labelled values that did not occur on that variable.
  • Argument value.labels had no effect for sjt.frq().
  • Automatic label detection in sjt.grpmean() sometimes not worked for factors without variable labels.
  • sjp.glm() used Odds Ratios as default title for y-axis when plotting marginal effects. Fixed, now y-axis is correctly labelled.
  • sjt.glm() used "Odds Ratios" as default column heading for the estimates, even for poisson or other models. Now the string for column headers is selected based on the first model input of the function.
  • Solved issue with warning in prediction-plots (type = "pred") for categorical variables on the x-axis.