Warning, self signed certificates are basically useless for Kazoo
The API calls will silently fail in your browser because the cert is not part of a chain
- Because the requests come from javascript your browser will not ask you to accept the key..
Get a "real" cert or use Certbot to start with
- It's your time to waste, you have been warned.
You can also use haproxy or nginx to proxy the HTTPS into HTTP
- This avoids much of the complecity you see here.
- I have not tried this approach, but it's also a good way to approach the issue.
Extra notes
You can use Kazoo with certbot.eff.org (ie free certs)
Use Certbot to create the certs. It creates all certs as "pem files"
- These files work with Kazoo without issues
- I just renamed them..
reload crossbar (changing the cert) etc
sup whapps_controller restart_app crossbar
All USERS that logs into Kazoo will need to be upgraded to change their application defaults in the user 'doc'
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/testkazoo.prodosec.com/cert.pem /opt/kazoo/applications/crossbar/priv/ssl/crossbar.crt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/testkazoo.prodosec.com/privkey.pem /opt/kazoo/applications/crossbar/priv/ssl/crossbar.key
- Convert Kazoo-ui config.js
/bin/sed -i s/'http'/https/g /var/www/html/kazoo-ui/config/config.js
/bin/sed -i s/'httpss'/https/g /var/www/html/kazoo-ui/config/config.js
/bin/sed -i s/8000/8443/g /var/www/html/kazoo-ui/config/config.js
/bin/sed -i s/'api.stormqloud.ca'/'api2.stormqloud.ca'/g /var/www/html/kazoo-ui/config/config.js
- Make a daily certbot crontab..
- Certbot certificates are valid for 90 days only
- You need a daily cron job to renew your certs
- If they are still under 80 days it, the job will do nothing.
- IF the cert gets replaced then the renew-hook gets called.
# sample cron job entry.
23 4 * * * /opt/certbot/certbot-auto renew --renew-hook "/opt/certbot/certbot-kazoo.sh"
- Certbot restart script hook for kazoo
# certbot-kazoo.sh
/bin/cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/kazoo.prodosec.com/cert.pem /opt/kazoo/applications/crossbar/priv/ssl/crossbar.crt
/bin/cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/kazoo.prodosec.com/privkey.pem /opt/kazoo/applications/crossbar/priv/ssl/crossbar.key
sup whapps_controller restart_app crossbar