- http://www.fabfile.org/
- Do ssh stuff on multiple machines easily and fast.
- You need this the moment you have more then a single server install.
- super useful to watch traffic on the network. Crafting filters is different from wireshark/tcpdump
- ngrep -W byline -i eth0 'dialog-info '
- ngrep -Td lo0 port 5672
- If you are doing VOIP you should already be using this product. VOIP is about the SIP RFC standards.
Nothing better then seeing them on the wire. - you might have this installed on your Kamaillio and FreeSwitch machines
- and enough resources to run it!
- Capture and log SIP packets for later analysis
- Hard to setup but can be very useful to see why a client got a BUSY yesterday
- http://sipcapture.org/