Serial data arrives as comma delimited in the following form (comma delimited, colons separate MQTT topic and message):
using the topic and message from the serial read, the MQTT topics are updated:
sensors/</[sending_node_number]/{topic} {message}
example from above:
Topic: sensors/</5/Temperature Message: 20.6
Topic: sensors/</5/Battery Message: LOW
MQTT topic sensors/>/# is subscribed to. MQTT Topics should be:
sensors/>/{nodeid} {message}
sensors/>/{nodeid}/{topic} {message}
Any new data is sent to serial as:
eg Topic: sensors/>/5/LED Message:ON or Topic: sensors/>/5 Message:LED:ON would be sent to serial as:
Which the attached arduino broadcasts over the wireless network. The code in the arduino should look for the start marker "<" and the end marker ">". Any message destined for node 1 (the gateway ardunio) is written to serial without sending node.