This project helps to utilize haptic devices in Unity and other C# based platform. Current version is 1.3.0
- bHaptics Player has to be installed (Windows)
- The app can be found in bHaptics webpage:
- You can download library (Bhaptics.Tac) with nuget manager Bhaptics.Tac
- To install Bhaptics.Tac, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Bhaptics.Tac
- Clone the git then apply dll in src folder
$ git clone
- Sample source codes for Unity is already available now.
- For more detail, you can find in unity-plugin
- request url : /v2/feedbacks
- Import namespaces into classes that will be using haptic feedback.
using Bhaptics.Tact;
using Bhaptics.Tact.Unity;
- Use HapticPlayer
var hapticPlayer = new HapticPlayer((connected) =>
hapticPlayer.Register(key, "BowShoot.tact");
hapticPlayer.StatusReceived += feedback =>
if (feedback.ActiveKeys.Count <= 0)
- Apply more feedback effects: with .tact file
You can create Tact feeback effects via The .tact files generated by the designer are timeline based haptic feedback effect files.
You can find more details of the designer here.
- Play feedback effects in C# Script: List of PathPoints
var motorCount = 2; // number of motors for PathPoint
List<PathPoint> pathPoints = new List<PathPoint>
new PathPoint(x_position, y_position, intensity)
/* x_position, y_position are floats in
normalized value (0.0f to 1.0f) beginning from upper left of the device.*/
, new PathPoint(x_position, y_position, intensity, motorCount)
HapticPlayer.Submit("Point", PositionType.Right, pathPoints, duration);
/* duration is a positive integer in milliseconds */
- Play feedback effects in C# Script: DotPoints
HapticPlayer.Submit("space", PositionType.Head, new DotPoint(3, 100), 1000);
- Play feedback effects in C# Script: Array of Bytes
byte[] bytes =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 100, 100, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
/* Values should be an int (0~100)
/* Each number is the intensity of the point*/
HapticPlayer.Submit("Bytes", PositionType.Right, bytes);
- Play registered .tact feedback effects using file names
- The plugin will automatically register tact files in the specified pathPrefix in [bhaptics Manager], using their file name as a key.
/* Just play feedback of Fireball.tact file */
/* play feedback of RifleImpact.tact file with counter-clockwise angle and yOffset */
HapticPlayer.SubmitRegisteredVestRotation("RifleImpact", new RotationOption(180f, .5f));
/* play feedback of RifleImpact.tact file with different key. */
HapticPlayer.SubmitRegisteredVestRotation("RifleImpact", "for_backward" new RotationOption(180f, .5f));
HapticPlayer.SubmitRegisteredVestRotation("RifleImpact", "for_front" new RotationOption(0f, .5f));
- Check if Device is connected
- TurnOff Signal
/* Turn off all current Haptic feedback effects */
/* Turn off the specified Haptic feedback effect using its Key string */
- Check whether some feedback is playing or not
/* Return the bool whether 'Fireball' is playing */
bool isFireballFeedbackPlaying = HapticPlayer.IsPlaying("Fireball");
/* Return the bool whether any feedback is playing */
bool isAnyFeedbackPlaying = HapticPlayer.IsPlaying();
- Official Website:
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Issues :
Last update of Apr 4th, 2018. Last update of Apr 4th, 2018.