By Billmate AB -
This is a payment module for Magento 2 that allows you to pay using Billmate Checkout. Billmate Checkout is a payment solution from Billmate that creates a iframe payment solution on the Magento 2 Checkout page.
This repo only supports Billmate Checkout and **not Custom Pay**.
2.3.X is not yet supported but is planned for the 1.1.0 release.
Will be added in an upcoming release.
- English (en_US)
- Swedish (sv_SE)
- English (en_US)
- Swedish (sv_SE)
- Download the latest release zip file.
- In the root directory of your Magento installation, create the following sub-directory path:
- Upload the zip files contents into the newly created directory.
- Run these bash commands in the root Magento installation
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- Configure the Billmate Credentials under "Stores" --> "Configuration" --> "Sales" --> "Payment Methods" --> "Billmate Checkout" --> "Credentials"
- Configure the General under "Stores" --> "Configuration" --> "Sales" --> "Payment Methods" --> "Billmate Checkout" --> "General"
- Make a test purchase for every payment method to verify that you have made the correct settings.