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Agda experiment constructing free sym mon cat on a cat
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fredrikNordvallForsberg committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 38bae84 commit e99ba97
Showing 1 changed file with 350 additions and 0 deletions.
350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions experiments/FSMC.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
module FSMC where

open import Level

open import Data.Nat as N
open import Data.List as L
open import Data.Vec as V
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Fin.Permutation as Perm
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum as S

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
open import Relation.Nullary

open import Data.Nat.Properties using (≤-trans; ≰⇒>; 1+n≰n; m≤m+n)
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (toℕ-inject+; toℕ-raise; fromℕ≤-toℕ; toℕ<n)
open import Data.Sum.Properties using (swap-involutive)
open import Data.Vec.Properties using (lookup-++ˡ; lookup-++ʳ; lookup-++-<; lookup-++-≥)

open import Function
open import Function.Inverse
open import Function.Equality

open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional as Ext
open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs.WithK as UIP

----- Function extensionality

ext : Ext.Extensionality

impext : {A : Set} {B : A Set} {f g : {x : A} B x}
( {x} f {x} ≡ g {x})
(λ {x} f {x}) ≡ g
impext {f = f} {g} p = P.cong expToImp (ext (λ x p {x}))
where expToImp : {A}{B : A Set} ->((x : A) -> B x) -> ({x : A} -> B x)
expToImp f {x} = f x

------ Misc permutation stuff

-- A bijection between `Fin n ⊎ Fin` and `Fin (n + m)`
mergeFin : (n m : ℕ) -> Fin n ⊎ Fin m -> Fin (n N.+ m)
mergeFin n m (inj₁ i) = inject+ m i
mergeFin n m (inj₂ j) = raise n j

partitionFin : (n m : ℕ) -> Fin (n N.+ m) -> Fin n ⊎ Fin m
partitionFin n m i with toℕ i N.<? n
... | yes p = inj₁ (fromℕ≤ p)
... | no ¬p = inj₂ (reduce≥ i (≤-pred (≰⇒> ¬p)))

partition-from-to : n m x partitionFin n m (mergeFin n m x) ≡ x
partition-from-to n m (inj₁ i) with (toℕ (inject+ m i)) N.<? n
... | yes p rewrite P.sym (toℕ-inject+ m i) = P.cong inj₁ (fromℕ≤-toℕ i p)
... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p i<n)
i<n : (toℕ (inject+ m i)) N.< n
i<n rewrite P.sym (toℕ-inject+ m i) = toℕ<n i
partition-from-to n m (inj₂ j) with (toℕ (raise n j)) N.<? n
... | yes p = ⊥-elim (1+n≰n n<n)
n<n : n N.< n
n<n rewrite toℕ-raise n j = ≤-trans (m≤m+n (N.suc n) (toℕ j)) p
... | no ¬p = P.cong inj₂ (reduce-raise n (≤-pred (≰⇒> ¬p)))
reduce-raise : n {m} {j : Fin m}(p : (toℕ (raise n j)) N.≥ n) ->
reduce≥ (raise n j) p ≡ j
reduce-raise p = refl
reduce-raise (N.suc n) (s≤s p) = reduce-raise n p

partition-to-from : n m y mergeFin n m (partitionFin n m y) ≡ y
partition-to-from n m i with toℕ i N.<? n
... | yes p = inject+-fromℕ≤ i p
inject+-fromℕ≤ : {n m} (i : Fin (n N.+ m))(p : N.suc (toℕ i) N.≤ n)
inject+ m (fromℕ≤ p) ≡ i
inject+-fromℕ≤ {m = m} (s≤s z≤n) = refl
inject+-fromℕ≤ {m = m} (Fin.suc i) (s≤s (s≤s p)) =
P.cong Fin.suc (inject+-fromℕ≤ i (s≤s p))
... | no ¬p = raise-reduce n i (≤-pred (≰⇒> ¬p))
raise-reduce : n {m} (i : Fin (n N.+ m))
(p : toℕ i ≥ n) ->
raise n (reduce≥ i p) ≡ i
raise-reduce i p = refl
raise-reduce (N.suc n) (Fin.suc i) (s≤s p) =
P.cong Fin.suc (raise-reduce n i p)

-- Putting two permutations next to each other
_Perm++_ : {n m n' m' : ℕ} ->
Permutation n m -> Permutation n' m' ->
Permutation (n N.+ n') (m N.+ m')
_Perm++_ {n} {m} {n'} {m'} π τ = permutation to from
(record { left-inverse-of = from-to
; right-inverse-of = to-from
to = mergeFin m m' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ∘′ partitionFin n n'

from = mergeFin n n' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)) ∘′ partitionFin m m'

map-fuse-left : {n m n' m'}
: Permutation n m)(τ : Permutation n' m') x (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)) ( (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) x)
≡ x
map-fuse-left π τ (inj₁ x) = P.cong inj₁ (inverseˡ π)
map-fuse-left π τ (inj₂ y) = P.cong inj₂ (inverseˡ τ)

map-fuse-right : {n m n' m'}
: Permutation n m)(τ : Permutation n' m') x (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ( (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)) x)
≡ x
map-fuse-right π τ (inj₁ x) = P.cong inj₁ (inverseʳ π)
map-fuse-right π τ (inj₂ y) = P.cong inj₂ (inverseʳ τ)

open ≡-Reasoning
from-to : i from (to i) ≡ i
from-to i = begin
(mergeFin n n' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)) ∘′ partitionFin m m'
∘′ mergeFin m m' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ∘′ partitionFin n n') i
≡⟨ P.cong (mergeFin n n' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)))
(partition-from-to m m' (( (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_))
∘′ partitionFin n n') i)) ⟩
(mergeFin n n' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_))
∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ∘′ partitionFin n n') i
≡⟨ P.cong (mergeFin n n') (map-fuse-left π τ (partitionFin n n' i)) ⟩
(mergeFin n n' ∘′ partitionFin n n') i
≡⟨ partition-to-from n n' i ⟩
to-from : i to (from i) ≡ i
to-from i = begin
(mergeFin m m' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ∘′ partitionFin n n'
∘′ mergeFin n n' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)) ∘′ partitionFin m m') i
≡⟨ P.cong (mergeFin m m' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)))
(partition-from-to n n' (( (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_))
∘′ partitionFin m m') i)) ⟩
(mergeFin m m' ∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_))
∘′ (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) ((τ ⟨$⟩ˡ_)) ∘′ partitionFin m m') i
≡⟨ P.cong (mergeFin m m') (map-fuse-right π τ (partitionFin m m' i)) ⟩
(mergeFin m m' ∘′ partitionFin m m') i
≡⟨ partition-to-from m m' i ⟩

-- A permutation swapping two blocks
swapBlock : (n m : ℕ) -> Permutation (n N.+ m) (m N.+ n)
swapBlock n m = permutation (swapPerm n m) (swapPerm m n)
(record { left-inverse-of = swapInv n m
; right-inverse-of = swapInv m n
swapPerm : n m Fin (n N.+ m) Fin (m N.+ n)
swapPerm n m = mergeFin m n ∘′ S.swap ∘′ (partitionFin n m)

swapInv : n m (i : Fin (n N.+ m)) swapPerm m n (swapPerm n m i) ≡ i
swapInv n m i = begin
mergeFin n m (S.swap (partitionFin m n
(mergeFin m n (S.swap (partitionFin n m i)))))
≡⟨ P.cong (mergeFin n m ∘′ S.swap)
(partition-from-to m n (S.swap (partitionFin n m i))) ⟩
mergeFin n m (S.swap (S.swap (partitionFin n m i)))
≡⟨ P.cong (mergeFin n m) (swap-involutive (partitionFin n m i)) ⟩
mergeFin n m (partitionFin n m i)
≡⟨ partition-to-from n m i ⟩
where open ≡-Reasoning

-- looking up a swapped coordinate is the same as looking up in the
-- swapped table
lookup-swap : {A : Set}{n m : ℕ}(as : Vec A n)(bs : Vec A m) ->
(i : Fin (n N.+ m)) ->
V.lookup (bs V.++ as) (swapBlock n m ⟨$⟩ʳ i)
≡ V.lookup (as V.++ bs) i
lookup-swap [] bs i = lookup-++ˡ bs [] i
lookup-swap {n = N.suc n} as@(_ ∷ _) bs i with (toℕ i) N.<? N.suc n
... | yes p = trans (lookup-++ʳ bs as (fromℕ≤ p))
(P.sym (lookup-++-< as bs i p))
... | no ¬p = trans (lookup-++ˡ bs as (reduce≥ i (≰⇒> (¬p ∘′ s≤s))))
(P.sym (lookup-++-≥ as bs i (≰⇒> (¬p ∘′ s≤s))))

------ Def category

record Category : Set1 where
obj : Set
mor : obj -> obj -> Set
compose : {a b c : obj} -> mor a b -> mor b c -> mor a c
identity : {a : obj} -> mor a a
-- laws
leftIdentity : {a b : obj} -> (f : mor a b) -> compose identity f ≡ f
rightIdentity : {a b : obj} -> (f : mor a b) -> compose f identity ≡ f
associativity : {a b c d : obj}
-> (f : mor a b)
-> (g : mor b c)
-> (h : mor c d)
-> compose f (compose g h) ≡ compose (compose f g) h

----- Permutations form a category
module _ where

open Category

-- How to prove that two permutations are equal (using extensionality).
-- With a first-order representation of permutations, this should be
-- provable without assuming function extensionality.
permExt : {n m : ℕ} -> {π τ : Permutation n m} ->
((i : Fin n) -> π ⟨$⟩ʳ i ≡ τ ⟨$⟩ʳ i) -> π ≡ τ
permExt {π = π} {τ} p =
permEq π τ (InverseEq _ _ (ext p))
(InverseEq _ _ (ext (λ i
π ⟨$⟩ˡ i
≡⟨ P.cong (π ⟨$⟩ˡ_) (P.sym (trans (p (τ ⟨$⟩ˡ i)) (inverseʳ τ))) ⟩
π ⟨$⟩ˡ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ (τ ⟨$⟩ˡ i))
≡⟨ inverseˡ π ⟩
τ ⟨$⟩ˡ i
open ≡-Reasoning

-- We use UIP to show that the proofs in a permutation are all equal
permIrrelevanceLeft : {n m : ℕ} ->: Permutation n m) ->
(p q : Inverse.from π InverseOf π) ->
_InverseOf_.left-inverse-of p ≡ _InverseOf_.left-inverse-of q
permIrrelevanceLeft π p q = ext (λ x uip _ _)
permIrrelevanceRight : {n m : ℕ} ->: Permutation n m) ->
(p q : Inverse.from π InverseOf π) ->
_InverseOf_.right-inverse-of p ≡ _InverseOf_.right-inverse-of q
permIrrelevanceRight π p q = ext (λ x uip _ _)
permIrrelevance : {n m : ℕ} ->: Permutation n m) ->
(p q : Inverse.from π InverseOf π) ->
p ≡ q
permIrrelevance π p q with permIrrelevanceLeft π p q | permIrrelevanceRight π p q
... | refl | refl = refl
permEq : {n m : ℕ} -> (π τ : Permutation n m) -> π ≡ τ ->
Inverse.from π ≡ Inverse.from τ ->
π ≡ τ
permEq π τ refl refl = P.cong (λ z record { to = _; from = _; inverse-of = z }) (permIrrelevance τ _ _)

InverseCongIrrelevance :
{A B : Set} -> (f : P.setoid A ⟶ P.setoid B) ->
(p q : {i j : A} i ≡ j f ⟨$⟩ i ≡ f ⟨$⟩ j) ->
(λ {i} {j} p {i} {j}) ≡ q
InverseCongIrrelevance f p q = impext (impext (ext λ r uip _ _))

InverseEq : {A B : Set} -> (f g : P.setoid A ⟶ P.setoid B) ->
_⟨$⟩_ f ≡ _⟨$⟩_ g -> f ≡ g
InverseEq f g refl with InverseCongIrrelevance g (Π.cong g) (Π.cong f)
... | refl = refl

permutationCat : Category
obj permutationCat =
mor permutationCat = Permutation
compose permutationCat = _∘ₚ_
identity permutationCat =
leftIdentity permutationCat f = permExt λ i refl
rightIdentity permutationCat f = permExt λ i refl
associativity permutationCat f g h = permExt λ i refl

------ A construction of the free symmetric monoidal category on a category C

module _ (C : Category) where

open Category C

-- How to prove that two morphisms are equal (a slightly special
-- case to simplify calculations)
morEq' : {n m : ℕ}{as : Vec obj n}{bs : Vec obj m} ->
{π τ : Permutation n m}
{π' : Fin n -> Fin m}
{fs : ((i : Fin n) -> mor (V.lookup as i) (V.lookup bs (π' i)))}
{gs : ((i : Fin n) -> mor (V.lookup as i) (V.lookup bs (π' i)))}
(p : π ≡ τ) ->
((i : Fin n) -> (fs i) ≡ (gs i)) ->
(q : π' ≡ (π ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ->
(q' : π' ≡ (τ ⟨$⟩ʳ_)) ->
(π , subst (λ z (i : Fin n) mor (V.lookup as i) (V.lookup bs (z i))) q fs) ≡ (τ , subst (λ z (i : Fin n) mor (V.lookup as i) (V.lookup bs (z i))) q' gs)
morEq' {π = π} refl p refl refl = P.cong (π ,_) (ext p)

FreeSymMonoidal : Category
obj FreeSymMonoidal = Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] (Vec obj n)
mor FreeSymMonoidal (n , as) (m , bs) =
Σ[ π ∈ Permutation n m ]
((i : Fin n) -> mor (V.lookup as i) (V.lookup bs (π ⟨$⟩ʳ i)))
compose FreeSymMonoidal {n , as} (π , fs) (τ , gs) =
(π ∘ₚ τ , λ i compose (fs i) (gs (π ⟨$⟩ʳ i)))
identity FreeSymMonoidal {n , as} = , λ i identity
leftIdentity FreeSymMonoidal {n , as} {m , bs} (π , fs) =
morEq' {as = as} {bs = bs}
(Category.leftIdentity permutationCat π)
(λ i leftIdentity (fs i))
refl refl
rightIdentity FreeSymMonoidal {n , as} {m , bs} (π , fs) =
morEq' {as = as} {bs = bs}
(Category.rightIdentity permutationCat π)
(λ i rightIdentity (fs i))
refl refl
associativity FreeSymMonoidal {n , as} {d = l , ds}
(π , fs) (τ , gs) (ρ , hs) =
morEq' {as = as} {bs = ds}
(Category.associativity permutationCat π τ ρ)
(λ i associativity (fs i) (gs (π ⟨$⟩ʳ i)) (hs ((π ∘ₚ τ) ⟨$⟩ʳ i)))
refl refl

----- Constructing the structure

module _ (C : Category) where

open Category (FreeSymMonoidal C)

tensor : (a b : obj) -> obj
tensor (n , as) (m , bs) = (_ , as V.++ bs)

unit : obj
unit = (0 , [])

juxtaposition : {a b a' b' : obj} ->
mor a b -> mor a' b' ->
mor (tensor a a') (tensor b b')
juxtaposition {n , as} {m , bs} {n' , as'} {m' , bs'}
(π , fs) (τ , gs) = (π Perm++ τ) , fs++gs
fs++gs : i Category.mor C
(V.lookup (as V.++ as') i)
(V.lookup (bs V.++ bs') ((π Perm++ τ) ⟨$⟩ʳ i))
fs++gs i with (toℕ i) N.<? n
... | yes p
rewrite lookup-++-< as as' i p
| lookup-++ˡ bs bs' (π ⟨$⟩ʳ (fromℕ≤ p)) = fs (fromℕ≤ p)
... | no ¬p
rewrite lookup-++-≥ as as' i (≤-pred (≰⇒> ¬p))
| lookup-++ʳ bs bs' (τ ⟨$⟩ʳ (reduce≥ i (≤-pred (≰⇒> ¬p)))) =
gs (reduce≥ i (≤-pred (≰⇒> ¬p)))

symmetry : {a b : obj} -> mor (tensor a b) (tensor b a)
symmetry {n , as} {m , bs} = swapBlock n m , ids
ids : i Category.mor C (V.lookup (as V.++ bs) i)
(V.lookup (bs V.++ as) (swapBlock n m ⟨$⟩ʳ i))
ids i rewrite P.sym (lookup-swap as bs i) = Category.identity C

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