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Marc Ruiz edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Here you can find several roles in which you can contribute. Write to the mailing list to get details on how to contribute to a specific topic. If you think you can contribute to a task that is not listed, write to the mailing list too.


  • Work on the main codebase
  • Write unit tests
  • Write integration tests
  • Build
  • Create installer and distribution packages
  • Automate tasks
  • Write developer documentation

UI/UX designer

  • Improve UI and general user experience

Graphic designer

  • Update look & feel of the application
  • Create consistent icons
  • Update look & feel of the website


  • Write user documentation
  • Write in the wiki


  • Translate application strings
  • Translate user documentation


  • Report issues
  • Propose features
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