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DiegoParadeda committed Nov 5, 2020
1 parent 93ba3c6 commit cb46679
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,460 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from .file.file import File
from .result.parser import PaymentParser
from .payment.transfer import Transfer
from .payment.debit import Debit
from .payment.barCodePayment import BarCodePayment
from .payment.nonBarCodePayment import NonBarCodePayment
from .payment.issPayment import IssPayment
from .payment.dasPayment import DasPayment
from .payment.darfPayment import DarfPayment, DarfBarCodePayment
from .payment.gpsPayment import GpsBarCodePayment
from .payment.chargePayment import ChargePayment
from .payment.utilityPayment import UtilityPayment
Empty file.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from datetime import datetime
from .header import Header
from .trailer import Trailer
from ....libs.fileUtils import FileUtils

class File:

def __init__(self):
self.header = Header()
self.lots = []
self.trailer = Trailer()

def addLot(self, lot):
lot.setLotNumber(len(self.lots) + 1)

def toString(self, currentDatetime=None):
lotsToString = "\r\n".join([lot.toString() for lot in self.lots])
self.header.setGeneratedFileDate(currentDatetime or
sum=2 + self._countRegistersInLots()
return "%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n" % (

def setSender(self, sender):

def setBankAgreementCode(self, code):

def output(self, fileName, path="/../", content=None, currentDatetime=None):
file = FileUtils.create(name=fileName, path=path)
file.write(self.toString(currentDatetime or if not content else content)

def _countRegistersInLots(self):
count = 0
for lot in self.lots:
count += lot.count
return count
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# coding: utf-8

from ....row import Row
from ....characterType import numeric, alphaNumeric

class Header:

def __init__(self):
self.content = " " * 240

def defaultValues(self):
structs = [
( 3, 8, 5, numeric, "0"), # Tipo de registro
( 58, 65, 7, numeric, "0000000"),
( 102, 132, 30, alphaNumeric, "BANCO ITAU"),
( 142, 143, 1, numeric, "1"), # 1 - Remessa / 2 - Retorno
( 157, 163, 6, numeric, "0"), # TODO: Número sequencial do arquivo
( 163, 166, 3, numeric, "040"), # NR. DA VERSÃO DO LAYOUT
( 166, 171, 5, numeric, "0"),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setGeneratedFileDate(self, datetime):
structs = [
(143, 151, 8, numeric, datetime.strftime("%d%m%Y")), # Dia que o arquivo foi gerado
(151, 157, 6, numeric, datetime.strftime("%H%M%S")), # Horario que o arquivo foi gerado
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSender(self, user):
structs = [
(17, 18, 1, numeric, "1" if len(user.identifier) == 11 else "2"),
(18, 32, 14, numeric, user.identifier),
(72, 102, 30, alphaNumeric,
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSenderBank(self, bank):
structs = [
( 0, 3, 3, numeric, bank.bankId),
(52, 57, 5, numeric, bank.branchCode),
(65, 70, 5, numeric, bank.accountNumber),
(71, 72, 1, numeric, bank.accountVerifier),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setBankAgreementCode(self, code):
structs = [
(32, 45, 13, alphaNumeric, code),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# coding: utf-8

from ....row import Row
from ....characterType import numeric, alphaNumeric

class HeaderLot:

def __init__(self):
self.content = " " * 240

def defaultValues(self):
structs = [
( 3, 7, 4, numeric, "1"),
( 7, 8, 1, numeric, "1"),
( 8, 9, 1, alphaNumeric, "D"),
( 13, 16, 3, numeric, "030"),
( 58, 65, 7, numeric, "0000000"),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSender(self, user):
structs = [
(17, 18, 1, numeric, "1" if len(user.identifier) == 11 else "2"),
(18, 32, 14, numeric, user.identifier),
(72, 102, 30, alphaNumeric,
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSenderBank(self, bank):
structs = [
( 0, 3, 3, numeric, bank.bankId),
(52, 57, 5, numeric, bank.branchCode),
(65, 70, 5, numeric, bank.accountNumber),
(71, 72, 1, numeric, bank.accountVerifier),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSenderAddress(self, address):
structs = [
(142, 192, 50, alphaNumeric, "%s %s %s" % (address.streetLine1, address.streetLine2, address.district)),
(192, 212, 20, alphaNumeric,,
(212, 220, 8, numeric, address.zipCode),
(220, 222, 2, alphaNumeric, address.stateCode),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setPositionInLot(self, index):
structs = [
(3, 7, 4, numeric, index)
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setInfo(self, kind, method):
structs = [
( 9, 11, 2, numeric, kind),
(11, 13, 2, numeric, method)
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setBankAgreementCode(self, code):
structs = [
(32, 45, 13, alphaNumeric, code),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
from .headerLot import HeaderLot
from .trailerLot import TrailerLot
from import Transfer, ChargePayment, BarCodePayment, NonBarCodePayment
from ....libs.paymentKind import PaymentKind
from ....libs.paymentMethod import PaymentMethod

class Lot:

def __init__(self):
self.headerLot = HeaderLot()
self.registers = []
self.trailerLot = TrailerLot()
self.kind = ""
self.method = ""
self.amount = 0
self.otherAmount = 0
self.additionAmount = 0
self.totalAmount = 0
self.index = 1
self.count = 0

def add(self, register):
self.amount += register.amountInCents()
if self._isNonBarCodeTax():
self.otherAmount += register.otherAmountInCents()
self.additionAmount += register.additionAmountInCents()
self.totalAmount += register.totalAmountInCents()
self.index += 1

def setLotNumber(self, index):
for register in self.registers:

def setSender(self, sender):

def setBankAgreementCode(self, code):

def setHeaderLotType(self, kind=PaymentKind.vendor, method=PaymentMethod.tedOther):
kind: String - Kind of payment - 20 Fornecedores, read: NOTES 4
method: String - Payment method - 41 TED Outro titular, 43 TED Mesmo titular, 01 ITAU account. read: NOTES 5
kind: String - Kind of payment - 98 Diversos, read: NOTES 4
method: String - Payment method - 30 Pagamento Boleto Itau, 31 Pagamento Boleto outros Bancos. read: NOTES 5
kind: String - Kind of payment - 98 Diversos, read: NOTES 4
method: String - Payment method - 13 Concessionarias. read: NOTES 5
kind: String - Kind of payment - 22 Tributos, read: NOTES 4
method: String - Payment method - 91 GNRE e Tributos com Codigo de Barras,
19 IPTU/ISS/Outros Tributos Municipais. read: NOTES 5,
16 DARF (No barcode)
self.kind = kind
self.method = method
self.headerLot.setInfo(kind, method)

def toString(self):
self.count = (2 + self._count(Transfer) + 2 * self._count(ChargePayment)
+ self._count(BarCodePayment) + self._count(NonBarCodePayment))

if self._isNonBarCodeTax():

registersToString = "\r\n".join([register.toString() for register in self.registers])
return "%s\r\n%s\r\n%s" % (

def _count(self, cls):
return len([register for register in self.registers if isinstance(register, cls)])

def _isNonBarCodeTax(self):
return self.kind == PaymentKind.tribute and self.method in PaymentMethod.nonBarcodeTaxes()

30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# coding: utf-8

from ....row import Row
from ....characterType import numeric

class Trailer:

def __init__(self):
self.content = " " * 240

def defaultValues(self):
structs = [
( 3, 8, 5, numeric, "99999"),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setNumberOfLotsAndRegisters(self, sum, num):
structs = [
(17, 23, 6, numeric, num),
(23, 29, 6, numeric, sum),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSenderBank(self, bank):
structs = [
(0, 3, 3, numeric, bank.bankId), # Código do banco debitado
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions febraban/cnab240/itau/sisdeb/file/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# coding: utf-8

from ....row import Row
from ....characterType import numeric

class TrailerLot:

def __init__(self):
self.content = " " * 240

def defaultValues(self):
structs = [
( 3, 7, 4, numeric, "1"),
( 7, 8, 1, numeric, "5"),
(41, 59, 18, numeric, "0"),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setLotNumberOfRegisters(self, num):
structs = [
(17, 23, 6, numeric, num),
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSumOfValues(self, sum):
structs = [
(23, 41, 18, numeric, sum), # Soma dos valores dos lotes
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSumOfValuesNonBarCodeTax(self, sum, otherSum, additionSum, totalSum):
structs = [
(23, 37, 14, numeric, sum), # Soma dos valores principais dos lotes
(37, 51, 14, numeric, otherSum), # Soma dos valores outras entidades dos lotes
(51, 65, 14, numeric, additionSum), # Soma dos valores acréscimos dos lotes
(65, 79, 14, numeric, totalSum), # Soma dos valores totais dos lotes
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setSenderBank(self, bank):
structs = [
(0, 3, 3, numeric, bank.bankId), # Código do banco debitado
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)

def setPositionInLot(self, index):
structs = [
(3, 7, 4, numeric, index) # Indica index do lote
self.content = Row.setStructs(structs=structs, content=self.content)
Empty file.

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