- Getting Operating system version infomation on Windows.
- Using Visual studio 2013, open the project file, GetOSVersion.sln.
- Set the configuration (Release or Debug)
- Build solution.
- There are output files in $(SolutionDir)\Release
- GetOSVersion.exe must need just 1(one) argument.
Meaning of argument :
- 1 : Using GetVersionEx
- 2 : Using VerifyVersionInfo Known OSVersion
- 3 : Using VerifyVersionInfo UnKnown OSVersion
- Overcoming Windows 8.1's deprecation of GetVersionEx and GetVersion APIs, Use VerifyVersionIfo APIs
- But, It cannot overcome Windows 10's deprecation of VerifyVersionInfo.
- If you want to get correct OS version infomation, Use manifest files.
- supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"
- Windows Version - Major - Minor
- Windows xp - 5 - 3
- Windows Vista - 6 - 0
- Windows 7 - 6 - 1
- Windows 8 - 6 - 2
- Windows 8.1 - 6 - 3
- Windows 10 - 6 - 4 or 10 - 0
- C++
- Windows 8.1
- VisualStudio 2013