An innovative web app that allows users to calculate and compare their personal carbon footprint, motivating them to live more environmentally conscious and reduce their energy consumption.
If you are using it is quite simple to set everything up.
First you need to install all the require Node modules. To do this, run npm i
inside the client and server
For the client directory.
cd client
npm ci
Go back to the main directory
cd ..
Install the moduls in the server directory.
cd server
npm ic
After installing the Node moduls you can start the Docker containers. To do this, run docker-compose up --build
the main project directory. Then afterward all the containers should be running.
The client should be accessible via http://localhost:3050/
via nginx.
The Adminer should be accessible via http://localhost:8000/
Before everything works you need to load the data into the database. To do this you first need to log into the Adminer using the following credentials:
Database System: mysql_db
Username: root
Password: 12345
Database you want to access: db_co2runter
After logging in, copy the contents of loader-new.sql
and paste it into the SQL Command
query box in Adminer and
click Execute
. Now you see in the tabler overview that all the tables have been filled with data. Now you just need to
create a config.js
file in the server
directory and past the contents of config-template.js
into the newly
created config.js
. Now everything is set up and should work.
Note: If you are using the Webstorm IDE from JetBrains, the configurations to start everything are already set up. You
just need to select the Complete Repository Setup
configuration and then run it. Additionally, there are
configurations for starting the Docker containers and the client and server in development mode or production mode. But
you still need to create the config.js
Change DB Password and Token Key in `docker-compose-pord.yml` to something new
Run `docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up --build` inside the main project directory
To log in, use `mysql_db` as the server Username as `root` and password as the new Password.
To start interacting with the application, open `http://localhost:9001/` on a browser.
With an existing mysql/mariadb server you can deploy client and server directly without docker.
Database config expects your mysql ro run on the standard port 3306.
Assume the following directory setup with nginx
* Client in /var/www/html/co2runter/app
* Server in /var/www/html/co2runter/api
Nginx config:
server {
listen 80;
server_name co2runter.<your domain>;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name co2runter.<your domain>;
location /api {
rewrite /api/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://localhost:3001;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
location / {
root /var/www/html/co2runter/app; #client/build;
index index.html;
try_files $uri /index.html;
Build and install the frontend client like so:
cd client
npm i
npm run build
cp -r build/* /var/www/html/co2runter/app/
Install the backend server like so:
cd server
npm i
cp -r server/* /var/www/html/co2runter/api/
Create the config file:
cd /var/www/html/co2runter/api/
cp config_template.js config.js
Edit the configuration in config.js
- Set database parameters according to your setup
- Set token key, e.g. 16 character random string
Initialize database
- Load setup.sql
- Load defaults.sql to get the comparison values for "Deutschland" and "Karlsruhe"
Start the service
npm run start
... to be done ....
Contributing to the CO2 Runter Web Application is a straightforward process. Follow these steps for each feature, bug fix, or other changes:
Create a New Branch: Start by creating a new branch for your feature or bug fix. Use the naming convention recommended by Conventional Commits:
- For a new feature:
- For a bug fix:
- For a documentation update:
- For a new feature:
Making Commits: After creating the branch, make commits to it that encapsulate your work. Please ensure that each commit has a clear and descriptive message.
Push Your Branch: Once you've made your commits, push your branch to the remote repository.
Create a Pull Request (PR): On GitHub, create a pull request from your branch. Follow the instructions provided in the pull request template.
Review and Merge: Your pull request will be reviewed by a team member or maintainer. Once it's approved, your changes will be merged into the main repository.
This workflow ensures a clean commit history and makes it easy for others to understand and review your contributions.