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Fire Flutter

A free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating Social apps, Chat apps, Community(Forum) apps, Shopping mall apps, and much more based on Firebase.

  • Complete features.
    This package has complete features (see Features below) that most of apps require.

  • Simple, easy and the right way.
    We want it to be deadly simple yet, right way for ourselves and for the developers in the world. We know when it gets complicated, our lives would get even more complicated.

  • Real time.
    We design it to be real time when it is applied to your app. All the events like post and comment creation, voting(like, dislike), deletion would appears on all the user's phone immediately after the event.

  • Table of Contents


  • User

    • User registration, login, profile update with email/password
    • Social logins
      • Google,
      • Apple (only on iOS),
      • Facebook,
      • Developers can their own social login. see Kakao Login example.
    • User profile photo update
    • Phone number authentication
  • Forum

    • Complete forum functioanlities.
      • Forum category add/update/delete in admin page.
      • Post and comment create/update/read/delete, likes/dislikes, file upload/delete. And any other extra functioanalties to compete forum feature.
    • Block users who didn't verify their phone nubmers to create posts & comments.
    • Forum search with Algolia.
    • Infinite scroll.
    • Real time.
      • If a user create a comment, it will appear on other user's phone. And this goes same to all edit/delete, likes/dislikes.
    • A category of forum could be re-designed for any purpose like online shopping mall, blog, etc.
  • Search

    • posts and comments search.
  • Push notifications

    • Admin can send push notifications to all users.
    • Admin can send push notifications to users of a forum.
    • User can enable/disable to get notification when other users creates comments under his posts/comments.
    • User can subscribe/unsubscribe for new posts or comments under a forum.
  • Chat

    • A complete chat functionality which includes
      • Group chat
      • Inviting users
      • Blocking users
      • Kickout users
      • Changing settings of chat room
    • Expect more to come.
  • Location

    • App can update login user's GEO location. There are many possiblities by saving GEO location.
    • App can search other users(by distance, gender) near the login user GEO point.
  • Settings in real time.

    • Admin can update app settings via Admin page and the change will apply to app immediately.
  • Internalization (Localization) in real time.

    • Texts in menu, text screens could be translated/update at any via Admin page and it appears in the app immediately.
  • Security

    • Tight Firestore security rules are applied.
  • In App Purchase

  • Admin Site

    • There is no doubt that most apps need admin feature(or site) that works outside of the app. And that should be a desktop version of website since there are much contents to view.
    • Unfortunately, Flutter web is not ready for production, so we have chosen Vuejs to build admin site to manage users, posts, photos and other resources in Fireflutter proejct.
    • This does not include much information about Admin site. Please visit github repository: to know more about it.
  • Fully Customizable

    • FireFlutter package does not involve in any of part application's login or UI. It is completely separated from the app. Thus, it's highly customizable.



  • Firebase
    Firebase is a leading cloud system powered by Google. It has lots of goods to build web and app.

    • We first built it with Firebase and LEMP(Linux + Nginx + MariaDB + PHP). It was fine but was a pressure to maintain two different systems. So, We decided to remove LEMP and built it again with Firebase only.

    • You may use Firebase as free plan for a test.

  • Flutter
    Flutter as its app development toolkit.

  • Vue 3
    We have chosen the latest version of Vuejs to develop admin site. And you may extend it as a website to serve your clients.

  • Algolia
    Firebase does not support full text search which means users cannot search posts and comments. Algolia does it.

  • And other open source Flutter & Dart packages.


  • Basic understanding of Flutter and Dart.
  • Basic understanding of Firebase.
  • Editor: VSCode, Xcode(for Mac OS).
    Our primary editor is VSCode and we use Xcode for Flutter settings. We found it more easy to do the settings with Xcode for iOS development.


  • If you are not familiar with Firebase and Flutter, you may have difficulties to install it.

    • FireFlutter is not a smple package that you just add it into pubspec.yaml and ready to go.
    • Many of the settings are coming from the packages that fireflutter is using. And for release, it may need extra settgins.
    • Most of developers are having troubles with settings. You are not the only one. Ask us on Git issues.
  • We will cover all the settings and try to put it as demonstrative as it can be.

    • We will begin with Firebase settings and contiue gradual settings with Flutter.
  • And please let us know if there is any mistake on the documentation.

Create Firebase Project

  • You need to create a Firebase project for the first time. You may use existing Firebase project.

  • Go to Firebsae console,

    • click (+) Add project menu.
    • enter project name. You can enter any name. ex) fireflutter-test
    • click Continue button.
    • disable Enable Google Analytics for this project. You can eanble it if you can handle it.
      • click Continue button.
    • new Firebase project will be created for you in a few seconds.
      • Tehn, click Continue button.
  • Read Understand Firebase projects for details.

Enable Firestore

  • Go to Cloud Firestore menu.
  • Click Create Database.
  • Choose Start in production mode.
  • Click Next.
  • Choose nearest Cloud Firestore location.
    • To know the right location, click Learn more.
  • Click Enable.

Install Firestore Security Rules

Firestore needs security rules to secure its data.

  • Copy the rules from fireflutter firestore security rules
  • Go Cloud Firestore => Rules => Edit rules and delete all the rules there and paste the fireflutter firestore security rules.
  • Click publish.

Security Rules Testing

This is optional.

If you wish to test Firestore security rules, you may do so with the following command.

Run Firebase emualtor first.

$ firebase emulators:start --only firestore

run the tests.

$ npm run test
$ npm run test:basic
$ npm run test:user
$ npm run test:admin
$ npm run test:category
$ npm run test:post
$ npm run test:comment
$ npm run test:vote
$ npm run test:user.token
$ npm run test:chat

Update Firestore Index

There are three ways of updating Firestore security rules.

  1. Creating the index on Firebase console.
  2. Deploying the index from FireFluter Firebase.
  3. By clicking the URL on debug console while your are developing the app. And this may be the easiest from the other two.
  • Create complex indexes like below.
    • Go Cloud Firestore => Indexes => Composite => + Create Index
Collection ID Fields indexed Query scope Status
posts category Ascending createdAt Descending Collection Enabled
posts category Ascending uid Ascending createdAt Descending Collection Enabled

Example of adding Firestore indexes) Firestore Index

Enable Storage

  • Enable Stroage in the project menu on firebase console.
  • And add the following security rules.
rules_version = '2';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read: if true;
      allow create: if request.auth != null;
      allow delete: if resource.metadata.uid == request.auth.uid;

Create Flutter project

  • Create a Flutter project like below;
$ flutter create fireflutter_sample_app
$ cd fireflutter_sample_app
$ flutter run

Setup Flutter to connect to Firebase

This is a must setup to use Firebase. After iOS or Android setup, you are good to go. Fireflutter has many functionalities like Login, Forum, Chat, Location, In App Purchase, and more. You can optionally choose which functionality you want to use.

iOS Setup

What to do: Create iOS app in Firebase and add the GoogleService-Info.plist into Flutter project.

  • Click iOS icon on Project Overview page to add iOS app to Firebase.

  • Enter iOS Bundle ID. Ex)

    • From now on, we assume that your iOS Bundle ID is
  • click Register app.

  • click Download GoogleService-Info.plist

    • And save it under [flutter_project]/ios/Runner folder.
  • click Next.

  • click Next again.

  • click Next again.

  • click Continue to console.

  • open [flutter_project]/ios/Runner.xcworkspace with Xcode.

  • click Runner on the top of left pane.

  • click Runner on TARGETS.

  • edit Bundle Identifier to

  • set iOS 11.0 under Deployment Info.

  • Darg [flutter_project]/ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist file under Runner/Runner on left pane of Xcode.

  • Close Xcode.

  • You may want to test if the settings are alright.

Android Setup

  • Go to Firebase console.
  • Click Android icon on Project Overview page to add Android app to Firebase.
    • If you don't see Android icon, look for + Add app button and click, then you would see Android icon.
  • Enter iOS Bundle ID into Android package name. iOS Bundle ID and Android package name should be kept in idendentical name for easy to maintain. In our case, it is
  • Click Register app button.
  • Click Download google-services.json file to downlaod
  • And save it under [flutter_project_folder]/android/app folder.
  • Click Next
  • Click Next
  • Click Continue to console.
  • Open Flutter project using VSCode.
  • Open [flutter_project_folder]/android/app/build.gradle file.
  • Update minSdkVersion 16 to minSdkVersion 21.
  • Add below to the end of [flutter_project_folder]/android/app/build.gradle. This is for Flutter to read google-services.json.
apply plugin: ''
  • Open [flutter_project_folder]/android/build.gradle. Do not confuse with the other build.gradle.
  • Add the dependency below in the buildscript tag.
dependencies {
  // ...
  classpath '' // Add this line.
  • Open the 5 files and update the package name to (or with your app's package name).

    • android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
    • android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml
    • android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml
    • android/app/build.gradle
    • android/app/src/main/kotlin/….MainActivity.kt
  • And do Facebook login package problem.

  • You may want to test if the settings are alright.

Firebase Email/Password Login

Create a keystore

This is for Android only.

You will need to create a keystore file for Android platform. Keystore file is used to upload and to update app binary file to Playstore and is alos used to generate hash keys for interacting with 3rd party service like facebook login.

It's important to know that Playstore will generate another Keystore file for publishing and you may need the hash key of it to interact with 3rd party.

  • Enter the command below and input what it asks.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore keystore.key -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias key

Debug hash key

  • To get debug hash key (SHA1 and others), enter the command below,

    • Just press enter if it asks password,
keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
  • And copy SHA1 key and paste it into Project Settings => Android apps => SHA cetificate fingerprints.

Debug hash key base64

  • Some 3rd party service like Facebook may ask base64 encrypted hash key, you can get it with the following command

    • Just press enter if it asks password,
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64

Release hash key

  • To get release hash key (SHA1 and others), enter the command below,

    • Just press enter if it asks password,
keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias [key] -keystore [keystore.key]

You can replace [key] with real key and [keystore.key] with real keystore file path.

Release hash key base64

  • Some 3rd party service like Facebook may ask base64 encrypted hash key, you can get it with the following command

    • Just press enter if it asks password,
keytool -exportcert -alias YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS -keystore YOUR_RELEASE_KEY_PATH | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
  • It's important to know that Playstore will generate another Keystore for publish. And you need to input the hash key of it.

Add fireflutter package to Flutter project

  • Add fireflutter to pubspec.yaml
    • fireflutter package contains other packages like algolia, dio, firebase related packages, and more as its dependency. You don't have to install the same packages again in your pubspec.yaml
    • To check what versions of the packages are installed, see pubspec.lock file.
    • See the pubspect.yaml in sample app.
    • You need to update the latest version of fireflutter.
  • See FireFlutter Initialization to initialize fireflutter package.
  • See Add GetX to use route, state management, localization and more.

Firebase Social Login

It is optional. If you don't need to develop with Firebase social login, then pass this setup.

  • Social login is one of difficult part of settings. Each social login takes its own settings. For instance, you will need to create an app in Facebook developer account and do settings there. And then do settings in Firebase to relate both.

  • We will cover Google, Apple, Facebook social logins. You can customise to remove some of the social logins or add other social logins.

  • FireFlutter sample app has social login settings, but only on Flutter part. You still need to set the settings on Firebase and the social service site.

  • Refer Firebase Authentication and FlutterFire Social Authentication for details.

Google Sign-in Setup

Most of interactive apps need Social login like Google, Apple, Facebook and the likes. Once you put Google sign button in the app, then it is mandatory to put Apple sign in button also. Or your app will be rejected on iOS review. When you have Google and Apple, you would definitedly like to have Facebook login. Fireflutter has the code for these three social logins. If you want more social logins, then you need to implement it by yourself.

  • Go to Authentication => Sign-in method
  • Click Google
  • Click Enable
  • Choose your email address in Project support email.
  • Click Save.

Google Sign-in Setup for iOS

  • Open Xcode with the project.

  • Add REVERSE_CLIENT_ID in URL Schemes box in URL Types under Runner (on top of left pain) => Runner (under TARGETS) => Info => URL Types => (+)

    • You can get the REVERSE_CLIENT_ID from GoogleService-Info.plist under Runner => Runner on left pane.
  • Add BUNDLE_ID in URL Schemes box in URL Types under Runner (on top of left pain) => Runner (under TARGETS) => Info => URL Types => (+)

    • You can get the REVERSE_CLIENT_ID from GoogleService-Info.plist under Runner => Runner on left pane.
  • To see if this setting works, try the code in Google Sign-in section.

Google Sign-in Setup for Android

  • Generate debug hash and get SHA1 as described in Debug hash key

  • Add it into Firebase => Project Settings => General => Your apps => Android apps => => Add finger print

  • Click save.

  • It's important to know that you need to generate two release SHA1 keys for production app. One for upload SHA1, the other for deploy SHA1.

  • Facebook Sign In Setup for Android is required to sign in with Google (in our case). Since Facebook login package is installed and relies on Google sign in package, it will produce missing plugin error when you try Google sign in. You can by pass Facebook settings as described in trouble shooting.

  • To see if this setting works, try the code in Google Sign-in section.

  • Warning: If you meet error MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method init on channel, see the MissingPluginException google_sign_in

Facebook Sign In Setup

Facebook Sign In Setup for Android

In this chapter, Facebook sign in setup for Android is explained in detail.

All the information is coming from flutter_facebook_auth which is the package we use for Facebook login.

  • Go to Facebook developers account app page
  • Create a new app (Or you may click existing one to use the app)
    • Choose Build Connected Experiences
    • Click continue
    • Input App Display Name
    • Click Create App
      • Then, you will be redirected to the app page
  • Click Setup under Dashboard ==> Add Products to Your App ==> Facebook Login.
  • Click Android
  • Click Next. No need to download SDK.
  • Click Next. No need to import the SDK.
  • Input the package name. In our case, it is
  • Input into Default Activity Class Name.
    • You need to replace com.sonub.comfirefluter to your package name and add the main activity class that is stated in AndroidManifest.xml. Default is .MainActivity.
  • Click save.
  • Click use this package naem if you see it.
  • Click continue.
  • Get debug hash key and release hash key as described in Debug hash key base64 and Release hash key base64
    • And add them into Key Hashes
  • Click save
  • Click continue
  • Enable Sing Sing On. Set it to Yes.
  • Click save
  • Click next
  • You will see some settings for Android platform in Flutter.
  • Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  • Set android:label to @string/app_name in application tag like below.
<application ... android:label="@string/app_name" ...>
  • Open /android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml ( or create if it is not existing)
  • And copy facebook_app_id and fb_login_protocol_scheme, past into the XML file like below.
    • Replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with right value.
    <string name="app_name">SMS APP</string>
    <string name="facebook_app_id">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
    <string name="fb_login_protocol_scheme">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
  • Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  • Add the following uses-permission element after the application element (outside application tag)
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
  • Add the following meta-data element, an activity for Facebook, and an activity and intent filter for Chrome Custom Tabs inside your application element:
<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/>
<activity android:name="com.facebook.FacebookActivity" android:configChanges=
            "keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation" android:label="@string/app_name" />
<activity android:name="com.facebook.CustomTabActivity" android:exported="true">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <data android:scheme="@string/fb_login_protocol_scheme" />
  • Add Privacy Policy URL uin Settings => Basic => Privacy Policy URL.

    • Click Save Changes
  • Click Use this package name if you see it.

  • Click In development to enable live mode.

    • Choose app category.
    • Click Switch Mode.
  • Go to Facebook App => Settings => Basic

  • Get App ID and App Secret

  • Go to Firebase => Authentication => Sign in method

  • Click Facebook

  • Enable

  • Paste App ID and App Secret into the relative input boxes.

  • And copy OAuth redirect URI (before save)

  • Save

  • Go to Facebook Ap => Facebook Login => Settings

  • Paste the OAuth Redirect URI into Valid OAuth Redirect URI box.

  • Click Save Changes.

  • That's it. To test the settings, try the code in Facebook Sign In

Facebook Sign In Setup for iOS

  • Open ios/Podfile
  • Uncomment the platform line and update it to 11.0 like below
platform :ios, '11.0'
  • Add the following into Info.plist with proper values

Apple Sign In Setup for iOS

It is a mandatory to add Apple Sign In if the app has other social sign in method. Or you app will be rejected on iOS app review.

We add Apple sign in only on iOS platform.

  • Open Xcode with the project

  • Click + Capability under Runner(left pane) => Runner(TARGETS) => Signing & Capabilities.

  • Click(or double click) to enable Sign in with Apple.

  • If you see Signing for "Runner" requires a development team. then, you need to apply proper signing.

  • Go to Firebase => Authentication => Sign-in method

  • Click Apple

  • Click Enable

  • Click Save

  • That's it. To test the settings, try the code in Apple Sign In

  • Refer Eanble Sign In with App for details.

Phone Auth Setup

  • Enable Phone under Firebase => Authentication => Sign-in method

Additional Phone Auth Setup for Android

Additional Phone Auth Setup for iOS

  • Get REVERSED_CLIENT_ID from GoogleService-Info.plist

  • Go to Runner(Left pane) => Runner(TARGETS) => Info => URL Types => Click (+) to add one,

    • And add the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID into URL Schemes.
  • See FlutterFire Phone Authentication Setup for details.

Permission handler setup

Permission handler setup for Android

<manifest xmlns:android="" package="">
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:protectionLevel="dangerous" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <!-- ... -->

Image Picker Setup

To upload files(or photos), we will use image_picker package.

Image picker setup for Android

API 29+ No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.

API < 29 Add android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" as an attribute to the <application> tag in AndroidManifest.xml. The attribute is false by default on apps targeting Android Q.

Image Picker Setup for iOS

  • Open ios/Runner/Info.plist with VSCode
  • Add the three keys.
    • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription - describe why your app needs permission for the photo library. This is called Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in the visual editor.
    • NSCameraUsageDescription - describe why your app needs access to the camera. This is called Privacy - Camera Usage Description in the visual editor.
    • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription - describe why your app needs access to the microphone, if you intend to record videos. This is called Privacy - Microphone Usage Description in the visual editor


<string>$(EXECUTABLE_NAME) need access to Photo Library.</string>
<string>$(EXECUTABLE_NAME) need access to Camera.</string>
<string>$(EXECUTABLE_NAME) need access to Microphone.</string>

Location Setup

When app boots we save user's location into Firestore. The app can do so much things with user location.

We use location package to get user's location. See location for more information.

Location Setup For Android

  • Open AndroidManifest.xml under android/app/src/main and add the following:
  <!-- add user-permission for accessing location -->
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

Location Setup For iOs

  • Open Info.plist under ios/Runner and add the following:
  <string>This app needs the location service enabled to provide locational information.</string>
  <string>This app needs the location service enabled to provide locational information.</string>
  <string>This app needs the location service enabled to provide locational information.</string>

I18N Setup

If an app serves only for one nation with one language, the app may not need localization. But if the app serves for many nations with many languages, then the app should have internationalization. The app should display Chinese language for Chinese people, Korean langauge for Korean people, Japanese for Japanese people and so on.

You can set texts on menu, buttons, screens in different languages.

Android platform does not need to have any settings.

For iOS,

  • Open Info.plist
  • Add the following. You can add more languages.
  • Create translations.dart file in the same folder of main.dart
    • and add the following code.
    • In the code below, we add only English and Korean. You may add more languages and translations.

Example of translations.dart

import 'package:get/get.dart';

/// Default translated texts.
/// This will be available immediately after app boots before downloading from
/// Firestore.
Map<String, Map<String, String>> translations = {
  "en": {
    "app-name": "App Name",
    "home": "Home",
  "ko": {
    "app-name": "앱 이름",
    "home": "홈",

/// Update translation document data from Firestore into `GetX locale format`.
updateTranslations(Map<dynamic, dynamic> data) {
  data.forEach((ln, texts) {
    for (var name in texts.keys) {
      translations[ln][name] = texts[name];

/// GetX locale text translations.
class AppTranslations extends Translations {
  Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => translations;
  • Initialize fireflutter like below. It will set the default language when the user didn't choose his language yet.
await ff.init(
  settings: {
    'app': {
      'default-language': 'ko',
  translations: translations,
  • Add Locale(ff.userLanguage) and AppTranslations() to GetMaterialApp() like below. ff.userLanguage has the user language.
    • If user set his own language, then it will follow the user language.
    • If the language is set on Firestore settings, it will follow the Firestore setting.
    • Or it follow the language that was set on device setting.
  locale: Locale(ff.userLanguage),
  translations: AppTranslations(),
  • Open home.screen.dart
    • Update app bar title with the following and you will see translated text in Korean.
  appBar: AppBar(
    title: Text('app-name'.tr),
  • When user change his language, the app should change the text in user's language.

Display selection box like below

  value: ff.userLanguage,
  items: [
    DropdownMenuItem(value: 'ko', child: Text('Korean')),
    DropdownMenuItem(value: 'en', child: Text('English')),
  onChanged: (String value) {
    ff.updateProfile({'language': value});

Then update the language like below.

class _MainAppState extends State<MainApp> {
  void initState() {
    ff.translationsChange.listen((x) => setState(() => updateTranslations(x)));
    ff.userChange.listen((x) {
      setState(() {
    // ...
  • To update translations in real time,
    • You can code like below in initState() of MainApp. It listens for the changes in Firestore translations collection and update the screen with the translations.
ff.translationsChange.listen((x) => setState(() => updateTranslations(x)));
  • Admin can update the translations on Admin site.

  • Or admin can overwrite the translated texts simply by updating it under /translations collection in Firestore.

    • Go to Firestore
    • Create translations collection if it is not existing.
    • Create en document if not existing.
    • Add(or update) app-name property in en document.
    • And you will see the app-name has changed on the app.

Push Notification Setup

  • Settings of push notification on Android and iOS platform are done in the sample app.

  • Refer to Firestore Messaging

    • If you are not going to use the sample app, you need to setup by yourself.

Additional Android Setup

  • If you dont have google-services.json yet, you may refer for the basic configuration of Android Setup.
  • If you want to be notified in your app (via onResume and onLaunch) when you click the notification on the system tray you need to include the following intent-filter under the <activity> tag of your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
  <!-- default configuration here -->
      <action android:name="FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  • For testing on real device you need to add the SHA certificate fingerprints on your firebase console project.
    • To get the SHA-1 you can refer to Debug hash key.
    • Open Firebase Console
    • Project Settings => General => Your Apps, Select Android apps then under SHA certificate fingerprints you can add the SHA-1 that you have copy from your pc.

Additional iOS Setup

  • To Generate the certificate required by Apple for receiving push notifcation. You can follow this guideline Generate Certificates Skip the section titled "Create the Provisioning Profile".

  • If you dont have GoogleService-Info.plist yet, you may refer for the basic configuration of iOS Setup.

  • Open Xcode, select Runner in the Project Navigator. In the Capabilities Tab turn on Push Notifications and Background Modes, and enable Background fetch and Remote notifications under Background Modes.

  • Follow the steps in the Upload your APNs certificate section of the Firebase docs.

  • Add/Update Capabilities.

    • In Xcode, select Runner in the Project Navigator. In the Capabilities Tab turn on Push Notifications and Background Modes, and enable Background fetch and Remote notifications under Background Modes.
  • If you need to disable the method swizzling done by the FCM iOS SDK (e.g. so that you can use this plugin with other notification plugins) Add the following into Info.plist


Algolia Setup

Firestore does not support full text search, which means users cannot search the title or content of posts and comments. But this is a must functionality for those apps that provide a lot of information to usres.

One option(recomended by Firebase team) to solve this matter is to use Algolia. Algolia has free account that gives 10,000 search every months. This is good enough for small sized projects.

Before setup Algolia, you may try forum code as described in Forum Coding to test if this settings work.

  • Go to Algolia site and Register.
  • Create app in Algolia.
  • Then, you set ALGOLIA_APP_ID(Application ID), ALGOLIA_ADMIN_API_KEY, ALGOLIA_SEARCH_ONLY_API_KEY, ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME. There are three ways to set the settings.
    • Add it on admin site if you have installed.
    • Add it on Firestore settings/app document. You need to input manullay.
    • Add it on FireFlutter.init().
  • When the settings are properly set, Search functionality would work fine.

Admin Account Setting

You can set a user to admin by updating user document of Firestore directly. Admin property is protected by Firestore security rules and cannot be edited by client app.

  • Do User Email And Password Registration and register with a user as [email protected].

    • You may add a user manually by entering email and password under Users in Firebase Authentication. But we recommend you to create a user account through the app after coding registration page.
  • Open Firebase => Authentication => Users

  • Open Firebase => Firestore

    • Set {isAdmin: true} on user document which is at /users/{uid}. Follow the steps below to edit the document.
      • You will see users collection under data tab. Click users
      • Search the User UID of [email protected]
        • And click the User UID.
      • Click + Add field.
      • Input isAdmin in Field.
      • Select boolean in Type.
      • Select true as Value.
      • Click Add
    • If ever, user document does not exist, you can create it.
      • If a user is created by firebase console, or if a user registers in admin site, the user document may not exists.
  • Now the user is an admin.

App Management

  • The app management here is based on the sample code and app.
  • FireFlutter is a flutter package to build social apps and is fully customizable. When you may build your own customized app, we recommend to use our sample codes.

App Settings

  • Developers can set default settings on FireFlutter.init().
  • Admin can overwrite all the settings by .updating Firestore settings docuemnts.

Internalization (Localization)

  • Menus and page contents can be translated depending on user's device. Or developer can put a menu to let users to choose their languages.

  • When admin update the translation text in Firestore translations collectin, the will get the update in real time. The app, should update the screen.

  • The localization is managed by GetX package that is used for routing and state management on the sample code.

Forum Management

Forum Category Management

Forum category is a list(or a collection) of posts to differentiate from each kind. Category ID is a word(or words with dash separated) like reminder, qna, discussion, public-photos or whatever you want.

  • Post can be created only under an existing category.

  • You can create forum categories editing categories collection in Firestore

    • Or if there is an admin screen, admin may do so in admin screen.
  • Category can have any number of extra fields and data but id is a mandatory. And title, description are reserved field name that should hold title and description respectively.

To create a creategory,

  • Open Cloud Firestore
  • Create the categories collection if it is not present( by clicking + Start collection)
  • Then click add a document.
    • Put category(for instance, qna) id in Document ID and this should not be changed after.
    • And put id in Field column and the same category(for instance, qna) id in Value column.
    • You may optionally add more Field with title and description.

Developer Coding Guidelines

Preview of Development

  • As you may know, Firebase permission denied exception would cause a break as an Unhandled Exception on VSCode and it is the nature of fireflutter to work with permission denied exception. For instance, when the app meets permission denied error happens, the app would do something else. But the editor(like VScode) may produce Uncaught Exception and would stop the runtime pointing where it happens. This is normal. You can simply continue the runtime.
  • When you work with firebase, you should have something in mind that firebase works on offline and that causes reading twice.

General Setup

  • Add latest version of FireFlutter in pubspec.yaml
  • Add latest version of GetX.
    • We have chosen GetX package for routing, state management, localization and other functionalities.
      • GetX is really simple. We recommed you to use it.
      • All the code explained here is with GetX.
      • You may choose different packages and that's very fine.

FireFlutter global variable

  • The variable ff is an instace of FireFlutter and should be shared across all the screens.

  • Create a global_variables.dart on the same folder of main.dart.

    • And move the ff variable into global_variables.dart.
  • The complete code is on fireflutter sample app of sample app.

FireFlutter Initialization

There are two ways of initializing the fireflutter package. One is blocking and the other is non-blocking. This is deu to initializing Firebase inside fireflutter. We recommend non-blocking method since the app would boot faster.

Blocking mode

  • Import global variable of fireflutter instance - ff.
  • You need to call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() before ff.init().
import 'package:fireflutter/fireflutter.dart';
void main() async {
  await ff.init();

Non-blocking mode

  • For non-blocking mode, the ff.init() could be in MainApp() or any where after runApp() call.
import 'package:fireflutter/fireflutter.dart';
void main() async {

class MainApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MainAppState createState() => _MainAppState();

class _MainAppState extends State<MainApp> {
  void initState() {
  • But be sure the app accesses any Firebase related function only after it is initialized.
    • Or the app would get [core/no-app] No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp() error.
    • To avoid this error(or to use Firebase after it is initialized), use ff.firebaseInitialized.listen stream. Since it is a stream, you need to cancel listening after use.
String gender = '';
// ...
ff.firebaseInitialized.listen((re) async {
  if (re == false) return;
  var doc = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
  setState(() {
    gender = 'Genger: ' +['gender'];
// ...
  • To make it easy, you may create a custom wiget to wait to until Firebase is initialized.
class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Home'),
      body: Center(
        child: FirebaseReady( /// Use FirebaseReady.
          builder: (BuildContext context, snapshot) {
            if ( == null || == false)
              return Container();
              return Text(
                'Firbase Ready. User login: ${ff.loggedIn ? 'yes' : 'no'}',

/// Display [child] widget only after Firebase is initialized.
class FirebaseReady extends StatelessWidget {
  const FirebaseReady({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  final Function builder;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamBuilder(
      stream: ff.firebaseInitialized,
      builder: builder,
  • FirebaseReady will wait until Firebase firebase is initialized and then it will display the child widget.

  • It is worth to know that check firebase is initialization with ff.firebaseInitialized or FirebaseReady widget may only be needed on home screen(or first screen) since Firebase will initialize itself quick enough and be ready by next screen.

Add GetX

  • To add GetX to Flutter app,
    • open main.dart
    • split Home Screen into lib/screens/home/home.screen.dart.
    • and replace MaterialApp with GetMaterialApp.
    • add initialRotue: 'home'
    • add HomeScreen to route.
    • To see the complete code, visit getx branch of sample app.

Firestore Structure

  • Principle. Properties and sub collections(documents) of a document should be under that document.

  • users/{uid} is user's private data document.

    • users/{uid}/meta/public is user's public data document.
    • users/{uid}/meta/tokens is where the user's tokens are saved.
  • /posts/{postId} is the post document.

    • /posts/{postId}/votes/{uid} is the vote document of each user.
    • /posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId} is the comment document under of the post document.


  • null event will be fired for the first time on FireFlutter.userChange.listen.

  • auth event will be fired for the first time on FirebaseAuth.authChagnes.

  • Private user information is saved under /users/{uid} documentation.

  • User's notification subscription information is saved under /users/{uid}/meta/public documents.

  • Push notification tokens are saved under /users/{uid}/meta/tokens document.

  • The app may store user name(displayName) on different place. But fireflutter uses user's name from firebase auth displayName. So, developers needs to sync your name to firebase auth displayName when the name is stored some where else.

Register Screen

Login Screen

Profile Screen

User Email And Password Registration

  • Do FireFlutter Initialization.

  • Create a screen.

  • Then, add email input box, password input box and a submit button.

    • You may add more input box for displaName and other informations.

    • You may put a profile photo upload button.

    • For the complete code, see register branch in sample app.

  • When the submit button is pressed, you would write codes like below for the user to actually register into Firebase.

final FireFlutter ff = FireFlutter();
try {
  User user = await ff.register({
    'email': emailController.text,
    'password': passwordController.text,
    'displayName': displayNameController.text,
    'favoriteColor': favoriteColorController.text
  // register success. App may redirect to home screen.
} catch (e) {
  // do error handling
  • It may take serveral seconds depending on the user's internet connectivity.

    • And FireFlutter package does a lot of works under the hood.
      • When the register() method invoked, it does,
        • create account in Firebase Auth,
        • update displayName,
        • update extra user data into Firestore,
        • reload Firebase Auth account,
        • push notification token saving, thus, it may take more than a second. It is recommended to put a progress spinner while registration.
  • As you may know, you can save email, display name, profile photo url in Firebase Auth. Other information goes into /users/{uid} firebase.

  • After registration, you will see there is a new record under Users in Firebase console => Authentication page.

  • Visit register branch of sample app for registration sample code.

  • When user registers, public data document will be created under /meta/user/public/{uid}.

  • You can add some extra public data like below.

    • User's information is private and is not available for other.
    • User's public data is open to the world. But it can only be updated by the user.
User user = await ff.register({
  // ...
}, meta: {
  "public": {
    "birthyear": 1973,
    "weight": 70,
  • There is another branch for more complete regration sample code. See register-v2 branch for more complete regiration code.
  • We recommend you to copy the sample code and apply it into your own project.

Display User Login

Let's display user login information on home screen.

  • Open home screen with Xcode
  • Code like below

Login with email and password

Let's create a login page.

  • login() method of fireflutter will handle email and password login.
await ff.login(
    email: emailController.text,
    password: passwordController.text);

Profile update

Create admin page

if (ff.isAdmin) ...[
    onPressed: () => Get.toNamed('admin'),
    child: Text('Admin Screen'),
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class AdminScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  _AdminScreenState createState() => _AdminScreenState();

class _AdminScreenState extends State<AdminScreen> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Admin Screen'),
      body: Container(),
  • Add admin screen route like below in main.dart
  getPages: [
    GetPage(name: 'admin', page: () => AdminScreen()),
  • Now, you will be able to login admin page. A user may accidentally enter admin page but he cannot see administrative information since Firestore security rules are in blocking the middle.

  • See admin-page branch of sample app for complete code.

Getting user public data

  • ff.publicData which holds user's public data will be available after user logged in and whenever user public document changes.
  • You can get login user's data directly querying Firestore like below. This may be helpful when you are unsure if the ff.publicData is already avaiable or updated. For instance, you want to use user's public data as soon as app boots, but you are unsure when ff.publicData will be available, or how long it will take for it to be ready.
final data = (await ff.publicDoc.get()).data();
  • You may use the code below. This code waits until ff.publicData is ready to be consumed.
  .where((x) => ff.publicData != null && ff.publicData.keys.length > 0)
  .listen((x) {
    // ... do something here
  • The code above is very much the same as below.
  .where((x) => x.type == UserChangeType.public)
  .listen((x) async {
    // ... do something here
  • Another example to run code only when user logged in and user's public data is available.
ff.userChange.where((x) => ff.userPublicData != null).listen((x) async { ... }
  • Here is another sample code to wait until the gender data is loaded.
  .where((x) => ff.publicData != null && ff.publicData['gender'] != null)
  .listen((x) async {
    // ... do something here
  • As you might notice by now, userChange event happens often. As I tested, I found out
    • When user not logged in, userChange event happens 3 times.
    • When user logs in, userChange event happens 7 times.
    • When user log out, userChange event happens 1 or 2 times.
    • If ff.userChange.where(...).take(1).listen( { ... }) does not work, you may use debounce like below.
StreamSubscription _userChangeSubscription;

if (_userChangeSubscription != null) _userChangeSubscription.cancel();

_userChangeSubscription = ff.userChange
  .debounceTime(Duration(milliseconds: 300))
  .listen((x) async {
    // ... do something here ...
void dispose() {

Forum Coding

FireFlutter does not involve any of the app's in UI/UX. Because of this, you can customize your app as whatever you like.

There are many works to do to complete forum functionality.

Create forum category management screen

Create post edit screen

In forum edit screen, user can create or update a post and he can upload photos.

  • You need to create 'qna' category as described in Create forum category management screen

  • And follow the code in forum-edit branch of sample app

    • In the code,
      • Forum edit screen is created at lib/screens/forum/forum.edit.dart
      • And the route is added in main.dart
      • A button is added in home.screen.dart to open forum edit screen.
  • Post create and update are done with editPost() method.

    • If id is null, then, it will create a post. Or it will update the post of the id.
    • When post is created or updated, the login user's displayName and photoURL are saved in the document.
  'id': post == null ? null : post['id'],
  'category': category,
  'title': titleController.text,
  'content': contentController.text,
  'uid': ff.user.uid,

Photo upload

To upload a photo(or any file), we are going to put a photo upload button(or camera icon) for user to choose a phone.

  • Do Create post edit screen

  • Do Image Picker Setup

  • FireFlutter's uploadFile() method will do the upload. The parameters are,

    • folder - where the uploaded file would be saved under Firebase Stroage.
    • source - the ImageSource to tell the app to get images from. It would be Gallary or Camera.
    • progress - callback function to get upload progress in percentage.
    • quality - jpeg quality
    • maxWidth - max width of image.
  • When user click file upload icon, the app should show a dialog or bottom sheet for user to choose to get photo from Camera or Gallery.

  • After user choose the choice where to get photo, it needs to call uploadFile() with the parameters.

  • See sample app's file-upload branch for complete code.

    • Code for deleting uploaded photo is not in the branch. We will cover it on post update branch.

Create post list screen

We have put the concept of the forum functionality to work in real time which means if a user creates a comment, it will appear on other user's phone immediately (without reloading).

To manage forum data, you need to create an instance of ForumData class. It needs to category of the forum and a callback which will be called if there any update to re-render the screen.

Call fetchPosts() method the ForumData instance and fireflutter will get posts from Firestore storing the posts in ForumData.posts and the app can render the posts within the callback of ForumData instance.

  • Do Firestore security rules. When the app list posts, it will require indexes.

  • See smaple app's forum-list branch for the sample code.

    • You would open forum.list.dart to see what's going on to list a forum.
      • It first gets category
      • then, fetches posts
      • then, display it in list view.
      • If there is no post existing, then it will dispaly 'no post existing' message.
      • If there is no more posts to fetch, then it will display 'no more posts' message.
      • It has a + button to open post create screen.
      • It has a code for infinite scrolling to fectch more posts.
    • The code is not complete. Many functionalities are missing like editing, voting for like and dislike, deleting, etc. We will cover this things on the following code samples.
  • A common fitfall is that if firestore indexes are not set properly, the app can't fetch posts. It would be stuck there forever.

Post list with photos

if (post['files'] != null)
  for (String url in post['files'])

Post edit

  • Do Create post edit screen
  • Do Create post list screen
  • The only thing that takes to edit post is to add a button to open post edit page. That's it. all the code is already done in Create post edit screen section.
  • You cannot edit other user's post. you may customise UX to prevent for the user to enter forum edit screen when it is not his post.

Post delete

  onPressed: () async {
    try {
      await ff.deletePost(post['id']);
    } catch (e) {
      Get.snackbar('Error', e.toString());
  child: Text('Delete'),

Photo delete


  • Do Create post list screen
  • See sample app's vote branch for the code.
  • You may customise UI/UX of vote funtionality.
    • You may show/hide vote buttons based on forum settings.
    • You should show a progress indicator ( or disable ) while the voting is in progress.

Logic for Vote

Voting is actually a simple logic but when it comes with the Firestore security, it is a hard to achevie.

Imagin anyone can update the no of likes or dislikes on any post or comment, then the no of votes would be untrustable.

It must be protected by the security rules, not by the logic of the code alone.

The logic of the vote should like below;

  • Post voting and comment voting have same logic and same(similiar) document structure.

  • Choice of vote could be one of empty string(''), like, dislike. Otherwise, permission error will happen.

  • When a user votes for the first time, choice must be one of like or dislike. Otherwise, permission error will happen.

  • Properties names of like and dislike in post and comment documents are in plural forms that are likes and dislikes.

  • likes and dislikes may not exists in the document or could be set to 0.

  • For votes under post, /posts/{postId}/votes/{uid} is the document path.

  • For votes under comments, /posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId}/votes/{uid} is the document path.

  • User can vote on his posts and comments.

  • A user voted like and the user vote like again, he means, he wants to cancel the vote. The client should save empty string('').

  • A user voted like and the user vote dislike, then likes will be decreased by 1 and dislikes will be increased by 1.

  • Admin should not fix vote document manually, since it may produce wierd results.

  • Voting works asynchronously.

    • When a user votes in the order of like => dislike => like => dislike, the server(Firestore) may receive in the order of like => like => dislike => dislike since it is asynchronous. So, client app should block (by showing a progress indicator) the user not to vote again while voting is in progress.
  • Note. the logic is to be chagned as described at thruthesky/fireflutter#3

Comment crud, photo upload/update, vote like/dislike

If you are following the path of how to create a post, list posts, and edit post, then you would have be familiar with fireflutter. If not, please practice more.

Comment crud branch of sample app has all the source code. The code is a bit long since it has comment create form, comment list, photo upload, buttons. So, the codes are splitted into small sized of widgets.


Push Notification

  • FireFlutter comes with Push Notification functionality. It is disable by default.

  • When user registers, the settings of receiving message for new comment under my post or comment will be enabled by default.

  • When the app boots the device will record its push notification token to Firestore and subscribe to allTopic.

    • This means, when you released your app without push notification enabled, the device will not save tokens to Firestore and does not subscribe to allTopic.
      • So, it is important to enable from the first publish.
    • Whether push notification is enabled or not, all devices(users) is going to subscribe to notify new comment unber my post and notify new comment under my comment by default.
  • Do Push Notification Setup

  • To enable push notification you must set enableNotification: true on main in FireFlutter init().

  • Once enabled it will ask the user if they want to receive push notification in iOS.

  • For android it was done automatically.

  • By default it subscribes to allTopic. So you can use this topic to send to all users.

  • It also subscribes to notification_post when new comment is created under the user post it will receive notification.

  • And notification_comment when a comment is created under the user comment it will receive notification also.

  • Push Notification includes

    • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to topic
    • Sending notification to Topic, Token, list of tokens
  • To use the sendNotification() you must provide the Cloud Messaging Server Key from your Firebase Console.

    • To get the Server key login to Firebase Console
    • Select your current project, then go to Project Settings.
    • Click Cloud Messaging and under Project Credentials you can Copy the Server key Token.
  • Enabling push notification and providing cloud messaging server key.

  void initState() {
        enableNotification: true,
        firebaseServerToken: "AAAAj...bM:APA91....ist2N........AAA"
  • To handle the notification message you can listen to it using the ff.notification.listen(() {})

  • The return data has 3 Notification type onMessage , onLaunch , onResume.

  • Meaning you can handle the message depending when you have receive the message.

  • For example when you recieved the notification

    • And you need to show an alert message, if it was send while the app is open.
    • Or move to specific page when you click the notification from tray.
  • When push notification arrives by creating post/comment, then screen property in push data will be postView while it will be chatRoom when push notification arrives by chatting.

    • Then, the app can route respective screen(route) based on the screen property.
  • Listening to incoming notification.

void initState() {

      enableNotification: true,
      firebaseServerToken: "AAAAj...bM:APA91....ist2N........AAA"

        (x) {
          Map<dynamic, dynamic> notification = x['notification'];
          Map<dynamic, dynamic> data = x['data'];
          NotificationType type = x['type'];
          if (type == NotificationType.onMessage) {
            // Display or Alert the notification message
          } else {
            // Move to different Screen
  • Sending push notification
    • Providing topic as string will send notification to that topic. This is the recommended way of sending push notification.
    • Providing token as string will send to specific Device.
    • Providing tokens as list of string will send to list of Device provided. Sending multiple tokens has limitation. See the comment of the code.
  onPressed: () async {
        'title message only',
        'test body message',
        id: '0X1upoaLklWc2Z07dsbn',
        screen: 'any-screen-name',
        token: 'Replace DeviceToken here',
  child: Text('Send Notification to Token.'),
  onPressed: () async {
        'title message only',
        'test body message',
        id: '0X1upoaLklWc2Z07dsbn',
        screen: 'any-screen-name',
        topic: ff.allTopic,
  child: Text('Send Notification to topic.'),
  onPressed: () async {
        'title message only',
        'test body message',
        id: '0X1upoaLklWc2Z07dsbn',
        screen: 'any-screen-name',
        tokens: ['Device Token', 'Another Device Token'],
  child: Text('Send Notification to multiple tokens.'),

Notification Settings for the Reactions

Push notification is one kind of basic functionality that all apps should have. Hence, we put some push notification logic inside fireflutter. Once the app has enabled push notification settings, it will automactially activate push ntoification with following;

  • By default, all users had subscribed to notify new comment unber my post and notify new comment under my comment when they registered.

  • To test,

    • Run app in device A and login with user A and Run app in device B and login with user B
    • User A creates a post
    • User B creates a comment under the post
    • And A will get a push notificaiton.
    • Now, user A creates a comment under the comment of User B.
    • Then, user B will get a push notificaiton.

Notification Settings for Topic Subscription

A user can subscribe

  • Forum for new post or comment.

  • Chat room for new chats.

  • And much more.

  • To enable the subscription, you need to put on/off swich some where(forum list or chat room). When it is swtiched on, then it need to subscribe to the topic name.

    • All topic must begin with notify. For instance notify-post-qna, notify-comment-disucssion, notify-chatroom-roomId, and so on.
      • You can name topic anything you want as long as that starts with notify.
    • And save the topic as a boolean property in /meta/user/public/{uid} and when the user's auth state changes, it will re-subscribe all the topics. Therefore all devices of the user will be synced to subscribe same topics.
    • See Cavists of push notification
  • See forum-subscription branch for the code.

Logic of Push Notification

Cavits of push notification

  • When a user A subscribed a topic with his three devices D1, D2.

    • And A unsubscribes a topic from device D1,
    • But A will still get push notifications from devices D2 until A restarts(or auth state changes) the app on B, C.
  • Another cavits is,

    • A logs in both D1 and D2.
    • A subscribes to a new topic in D1,
    • Then D2 will not get message from that device until A restarts(or auth state chnages) the app in P2 again.
  • This is the limitation of Flutter Firebase SDK - Cloud Messaging package. Other SDKs like Nodejs Admin SDK, PHP Admin SDK have a method to subscribe to a topic by specifying tokens.

    • If Flutter Firebase SDK - Cloud Messaging allows this, then when D1 subscribes(or unsubscribes) to a topic, the app can get all the tokens of the user and subscribes(or unsubscribes) to the topic with all the tokens. But since this is not supported, we will just wait until the SDK changes.

Social Login

Google Sign-in

  child: Text('Google Sign-in'),
  onPressed: () async {
    try {
      await ff.signInWithGoogle();
    } catch (e) {
      Get.snackbar('Error', e.toString());
  • After login, the user will be redirected to home screen. Add some code like what is described in Display User Login.

  • Tip: you may customize your registration page to put a button saying Login with social accounts. When it is touched, redirect the user to login screen where actual social login buttons are appear.

Facebook Sign In

  child: Text('Facebook Sign-in'),
  onPressed: () async {
    try {
      await ff.signInWithFacebook();
    } catch (e) {
      Get.snackbar('Error', e.toString());

Apple Sign In

  • Do Apple Sign In Setup for iOS.
  • Apple sign in may not work for some versions of simualtor. We recommend you to test the code in real device.
if (GetPlatform.isIOS)
    onPressed: () async {
      try {
        await ff.signInWithApple();
      } catch (e) {
        Get.snackbar('Error', e.toString());

External Logins

Kakao Login

  • Kakao login is completely separated from fireflutter since it is not part of Firebase.
    • The sample app has an example code on how to do Kakao login and link to Firebase Auth account.

Phone Auth

FireFlutter phone verication relies on Firebase's Phone Authentication.

The app can ask users to verify their phone numbers. It is fully customizable, but we put here few recommendations on its implementation.

In the sample app, admin can set rules like below

  • Verify phone after email/password registration.
  • Verify phone after login(all login including social login).
  • Force users to verify phone or the app does not work.
  • Block users to create post or comment without phone verification.

We will apply this rules to the [sample app's phone-verification branch] and it is upto you weather you would follow this rules or not. You may want to block users to create post or comment differently on each forum.

Do apply the rules,

  • Do Additional Phone Auth Setup for iOS.

  • Push notification

  • First, you will need to add a setting in main.dart. Admin can overwrite all the settings in main.dart through Firestore settings/app document update.

void main() async {
  await ff.init(
    settings: {
      'app': {
        'verify-after-register': true,
        'verify-after-login': true,
        'force-verification': false,
        'block-non-verified-users-to-create': true,
  • We recommend you to use country_code_picker package for selecting country code. But it's up to you to use it or not.

  • If the app is forcing users to verify their numbers,

    • skip button shouldn't appear but the user can still go back.
    • all the menu will redirect phone auth page except home screen. This is done in redirectCallback() of main.dart in phone-verification branch.
  • If block-non-verified-users-to-create is set to true,

    • It displays warning dialog when user press on create button.
    • It displays warning dialog when user submit comment button.
  • See sample app's phone verification branch for codes. Again, it is fully customizable.

  • When the app is only using mobile authentication, then the user may not have email, display name, photo url.

Language Settings, I18N

I18n means to display different languages for different users. For instance, App will display texts in Korean for Korean people.

We decided to adopt GetX i18n feature. See GetX Internationalization for details


  • Default settings can be set through FireFlutter initialization and is overwritten by settings collection of Firebase. The Firestore is working offline mode, so overwriting with Firestore translation would happen so quickly.

Phone number verification

We recommend you to follow our logic of phone number verification. You need to copy the code from sample app. You can customise everything byself, though.

  • If verify-after-register in /settings/app/{verify-after-register: boolean } is set to true, then newly registered users will be directed to phone verification screen.

  • If verify-after-login in /settings/app/{verify-after-login: boolean } is set to true, then unverified users will be directed to phone verification screen.

  • If force-verification is set to true, then all user must verify to continue using app.

  • If block-non-verified-users-to-create is set to true, non verified users cannot create post or comment.

Forum Settings

All the settings of forum are overwritable by /settings collection in real time.

For instance, to get the settings of showing like or dislike buttons, the app will

  • look for settings in the forum category at /settings/{category name} document, and if there is no settings about it
  • then, look for settings in the forum at /settings/forum document, and if there is no settings about it,
  • then, look for settings in ff.init(settings: { ... }), and if there is no settings about it,
  • then, it will use the hard coded setting in fireflutter.

The /settings/forum has global settings of all forum categories and can be overwritten by each category setting. For instance, the settings are set like /settings/forum/{like: true} and /settings/qna/{like: false}. Then like button will appear on all forum categories except qna category.

The settings are

  • like: boolean
  • dislike: boolean
  • no-of-posts-per-fetch: int


(Revised on Dec 30, 2020)

If you are looking for a package that support a complete chat functionality, fireflutter is for you. Unlike other sample (tutorial) code on the Internet, it has really complete features like

  • Listing my room list (chat list or friend list).
  • Listening my room events globally ( or only in chat room list ).
  • Group chat (It can be one and one chat ).
  • Creating chat room with one user or multip users.
  • Adding a user(or multiple users) to existing room.
  • Blocking user.
  • Changing settings of the room like room title update.
  • And much more.

Preview of chat functionality

  • User must login to use chat functionalities.
  • Most of chat related methods throw permission error when a user tries something that is not permitted.
  • To use chat functionality, openProfile option of ff.init() must be set to access user's displayName and photoURL. TODO: thruthesky/fireflutter#24

Firestore structure of chat

Before we begin, let's put an assumption.

  • There are 4 users. User A, user B, user C, and user D. User A is the moderator which means he is the one who created the room.
  • The room that moderator A created is RoomA and there are two users in the room. User A, B.
  • The UIDs of user A, B, C, D is A, B, C, D respectively.
  • The room id of RoomA is RoomA.

Firestore structure and its data are secured by Firestore security rules.

  • /chat/global/room-list/{roomId} is where each room information(setting) is stored. It's called global room list.
    • When a room is created, the roomId will be autogenrated by Firestore by adding a document under global room list collection - /chat/global/room-list.
    • Document properties
      • moderators is an array of user's uid. Users in this array are the moderators.
      • users is an array of participant users' uid.
      • blockedUsers is an array of blocked users' uid.
      • createdAt has the time when the chat room was created.
      • title is the title of chat room.
    • When {users: [ ... ]} is updated to add or remove user, other properties cannot be edited.
  • /chat/my-room-list/{uid}/{roomId} is where each user's chat room information is stored. It's called private room. The document has the room information inlcuding last message of the room.
    • If a user has unread messages, it has the number of new messages.
    • It has last message information of who sent what, time, and more.
    • It may have information about who were added or blocked. When A chats in RoomA, the (last) message goes to /chat/global/room-list/RoomA and to all the users in the room which are
      • /chat/my-room-list/A/RoomA
      • /chat/my-room-list/B/RoomA
    • Document properties
  text: is the text.
  createdAt: FieldValue.serverTimestamp() indicating when the message created.
  newMessages: no of unread messages.
  senderUid: the sender uid.
  senderDisplayname: the sender name.
  senderPhotoURL: the sender photo URL.
  photoURL: if there is a photo coming from the sender.
  • /chat/messages/{roomId}/{message} is where all the chat messages for each chat room are stored.

  • By default, when a user begins to chat with another user, it will always create a new room. If hatch: false option is given, it may not create a new room for the same users, instead it will use the exising room.

Common Scenario of Chat

  • User may enter(create) many chat rooms.

  • The app needs to get(or realtime update) all of login user's chat room in /chat/my-room-list/{uid}.

  • And the app needs to listen to all of login user's incomng chat room events.

    • And apply to the list.
  • When the user touches on the room of the room list, the user enters the room

    • and gets some of last messages of the room
    • and listen to the events of the room and display
  • The user can create a new chat room with other users.

  • The user can add another users.

  • If the user is one of the moderators, he can kickout/block other users.

Overview of chat functions

  • User who begin(or create) to chat becomes the moderator.

  • Moderator can add another moderator.

  • When a user enters chat room list screen, the app should display all of the user's chat room list. It is a recommended but customisable.

  • User may search another user by openning a user search screen and select a user (or multiple users) to begin chat. Then the app should redirect the user to chat room screen when the login user chosen other users to begin chat.

  • User can enter chat room by selecting a chat room in his chat room list.

  • User can add other users by selecting add user button in the chat room.

  • User can create a chat room with the same user(s) over again. That means, A can begin chat with B by creating a room. And then, A can begin chat with B again by creating another room. hatch option can prevent creating new room upon creating a chat room with same users.

  • When a room is created, ChatProtocol.roomCreated message will devlivered to all users.

    • This protocol message can be useful to display that there is no more messages or this is the first message when user scrolls up to view previous messages.
  • When a user is added, ChatProtocol.enter message (with user information) will devlivered to all users and property users has the names of the addedusers.

  • When a user leaves a room, ChatProtocol.leave message (with user information) will devlivered to all users and property userName has the name of the left user.

  • When a user is blocked, ChatProtocol.block message will (with user information) devlivered to all users. Only moderator can blocks a user and the user's uid will be saved in { blockedUsers: [ ... ]} array. And users property will hold the names of bloked users.

  • When a room is created or a user is added, protocol message will be delivered to newly added users. And the room list should be appears on their room list.

  • Blocked users will not be added to the room until moderator remove the user from { blockedUsers: [ ... ]} array.

  • When a user(or a moderator) leaves the room and there is no user left in the room, then that's it. The chat room is left as ghost chat room.

  • When a user logs out or logs into another account while listening room list will causes permission error. Especially on testing, you would not open chat screen since testing uses several accounts at the same time.

  • Logically, a user can search himself on search screen and begin chat with himself. You may add some logic to prevent it if you want.

  • When a user is blocked by moderator, the user received no more messages except the ChatProtocol.blocked message.

  • Chat protocol messages should be translated into user's language by the translation functionality. You may customise to translate it by yourself.

  • You would code like below to enter a chat room.

    • if id (as chat room id) is given, it will enter the chat room and listens all the event of the room.
    • Or if id is null, then a room will be created with the users of UIDs list.
    • If both of id and users are null(or empty), then a room will be created without any users except the login user himself. He will be alone in the room.
  • If the app must inform new messages to the user when the user is not in room list screen,

    • The app can listen my-room-list collection on app screen (or homescreen, or in global space).
    • And when a new message arrives, the app can show snackbar.
  • You may put the logic of the app like below

    • Declare ChatMyRoomList and ChatRoom instances as global variables.
    • Listen to chat room update on home screen and display updates on chat icon.
    • When somebody chats, the user will get push notification. and ignore push notifications if it's my chat or someone that I am talking to.

Pitfalls of chat logic

  • User cannot remove(or block) another user. Only moderator can do it.
    • A adds B.
    • B goes offline.
    • B add C. Since Firebase works offline, B can still add user C even if he has no connection.
    • A add D.
    • At this point, there are [A, B, D] in the room. C is not added yet, since B was offline when he added C.
    • B goes online and tries to update users array with [A, B, C].
      • It will produce permission error since, the users in the room is [A, B, D] and when B updates [A, B, C], D is missing. It is like B is trying to add C and remove D.
      • But this won't happens often and considerable.

Code of chat

Creating chat room list instace on global space

  • Depending on your app structure, you may declare login user's chat room list instance in global scope.
    • The declaration below could be a separate service(library) file.
final FireFlutter ff = FireFlutter();

/// [myRoomList] is the instance of ChatMyRoomList. It will be instanciated in
/// main.dart
ChatMyRoomList myRoomList;

/// [myRoomListChanges] will be fired whenever/whatever events happens for my
/// chat room list.
BehaviorSubject myRoomListChanges = BehaviorSubject.seeded(null);

/// [chat] is the chat room instance.
/// The reason why it is declared in global scope is that the app needs to know
/// if the user is in a chat room. So, when he gets a push notification from the
/// chat room where he is in, the push messge will be ignored.
ChatRoom chat;
  • Then, you need to create an instance of ChatMyRoomList in your main.dart (or in root screen) like below.
// When user login/logout. (Update my room list when user change account.)
ff.authStateChanges.listen((user) {
  // When user is not logged in, or logged out, clear the chat room list.
  if (user == null) {
    if (myRoomList != null) {
      myRoomList = null;

  // When user just logged in, set room list.
  if (myRoomList == null) {
    myRoomList = ChatMyRoomList(
      inject: ff,
      render: () {
        // When there are changes(events) on my chat room list,
        // notify to listeners.
  • Then, on chat room list screen(create one if you don't have), add the following code to list my chat room list.

  • Then, on chat room, you can do the following.

    • The thing you want to focus is that the app needs to create an instance of ChatRoom and enter into it.
chat = ChatRoom(
  inject: ff,
  render: () {
    setState(() {});
    if (chat.messages.isNotEmpty) {
      if ( == 1) {
        scrollToBottom(ms: 10);
      } else if (atBottom) {
  globalRoomChange: () {
    // print('global room change');
try {
  await chat.enter(id: args['roomId'], users: [args['uid']], hatch: false);
} catch (e) {

Chat Room List

  • On chat room list screen, you may code like below
class ChatMyRoomListScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  _ChatMyRoomListScreenState createState() => _ChatMyRoomListScreenState();

class _ChatMyRoomListScreenState extends State<ChatMyRoomListScreen> {
  ChatMyRoomList myRoomList;

  void initState() {
    // create chat room instance
    myRoomList = ChatMyRoomList(
        inject: ff,
        render: () {
          // render screen
          setState(() {});
  void dispose() {
    // leave chat room

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SingleChildScrollView(
      child: Container(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            RaisedButton(onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Add Friends')),
            Text('My room list'),
                shrinkWrap: true,
                physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
                itemCount: myRoomList.rooms.length,
                itemBuilder: (_, i) {
                  ChatRoomInfo room = ChatRoomInfo.fromData(
                      myRoomList.rooms[i], myRoomList.rooms[i]['id']);
                  return ListTile(
                    title: Text((room.title ?? '') + " (${room.newMessages})"),
                    subtitle: Text( +
                        ': ' + (room.text ?? '')),
                    trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_right),
                    onTap: () { /** enter chat room  */ },
  • To listen chat room list, declare it on main.dart.
// Put this code somewhere in global scope.
BehaviorSubject myRoomListChange = BehaviorSubject.seeded(null);
ChatMyRoomList myRoomList;

// Put this code in main.dart
// Listen only one time when user change. The nature of Firebase auth fires
// login event twice.
    .distinct((p, n) => p?.user?.uid == n?.user?.uid)
    .listen((data) {
  if (myRoomList != null) {
    myRoomList = null;
  if (ff.user == null) {
  myRoomList = ChatMyRoomList(
    inject: ff,
    render: () {

// Put this code in my chat room list screen.
  StreamSubscription subscription;
  void initState() {
    subscription = myRoomListChange.listen((value) => setState(() {}));
  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SingleChildScrollView(
      child: Container(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            RaisedButton(onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Add Friends')),
            Text('chat my room list'),
              shrinkWrap: true,
              physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
              itemCount: myRoomList.rooms.length,
              itemBuilder: (_, i) {
                ChatRoomInfo room = ChatRoomInfo.fromData(
                    myRoomList.rooms[i], myRoomList.rooms[i]['id']);
                return ListTile(
                  title: Text((room.title ?? '') + " (${room.newMessages})"),
                  subtitle: Text( + ': ' +  (room.text ?? '')),
                  trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_right),
                  onTap: () { /* enter chat room */ },

Chat room

  • First create an instance of chat room.
final chat = ChatRoom(inject: _ff, render: null);
  • Then, enter chat room like below.
await chat.enter();

The code above will create a chat room and enters into that room. In the chat room, there will be only one user that is the login user and one moderator that is also the login user.

If the app is entering again like below, then another room will be created with one user and one moderator that is the login user.

final newChatRoom = ChatRoom(inject: _ff, render: null);
await newChatRoom.enter();
  • Creating a room with a user.
final ab = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await ab.enter(users: [b]);

The above code will create a room with user b. And if the same code run again, then another room will be created.

final ab1 = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await ab1.enter(users: [b]);
final ab2 = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await ab2.enter(users: [b]);
print( != );
  • Entering existing room for the same users. If hatch option is set, then it will not create another room (if the room is already exising), instead it will enter that room.
    • This is good for 1:1 chatting
    • Or customer chatting service between user and admin.
    • This could be used as a notes(or memo) between two users.
final ab1 = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await ab1.enter(users: [b], hatch: false);
final ab2 = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await ab2.enter(users: [b], hatch: false);
print( == );
  • Sending a message. The code below will send message to all users in the room.
chat.sendMessage(text: text);
  • Leaving a chat room.
    • When a user is leaving chat room, the room does not exists. So, re-entering or reading last message will throw an exception.
final chatB = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await chatB.enter(id: '...');
await chatB.leave();
  • When a chat has delivered, global room and private rooms will be updated. And render method will be called informing that there is a new message. You can then re-render the screen.
final chat = ChatRoom(inject: _ff, render: () => setState(() {}));
  • Getting the last message of chat room
await chat.lastMessage;
  • When change the screen, the app should not listen to the room anymore by unsubscibing.
void dispose() {

Begin chat with a user

  • Let's assume there are user A, B, C and whose UIDs are also a, b, c respectively.

    • And A is the logged in user(of current device).
  • To begin to chat with user B and C, you can enter room with their UIDs.

final chat = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await chat.enter(users: [b, c]);
  • Or you can enter room without users and add user b and c.
final chat = ChatRoom(inject: _ff);
await chat.enter();
await chat.addUser({b: 'Name of B', c: 'Name of C'});

Displaying chat messages on the screen

  • Once enter() method is called on the instance of ChatRoom, the app begins to listen to any messages(event) that happen in the room and render function will be called. The app, then, re-render the screen with updated information.

    • ChatRoom.messages has the loaded chat messages of the chat room including who enters, who leaves, who blocked, who becomes moderator and much more.
  •, ChatRoom.users, and the likes have the chat room information.

  • To update chat message on the screen,

final chat = ChatRoom(inject: _ff, render: () => setState(() {});
// ...
  itemCount: chat.messages.length,
  builder: (_, count) {
    Map<String, dynamic> message = chat.messages[i];
    return ListTile(title: Text(message.text));

Other code samples

  • See unit test code for
    • leaving from a chat room,
    • inviting users into a chat room,
    • adding moderators
    • removing moderators
    • blocking a user
    • kicking a user out

Push notifications of chat

  • Read Notification Settings for Topic Subscription section to enable push notifications on chat room.

Unit tests of chat

There are two kinds of unit tests for chat. One is Firestore security rules test and the other is unit test.


Location is one of the necessary functionality on all apps. Do the location setup first.

Some of use case might be

  • Users want to search other users near to them.
  • You have an app of introducing your company and one to give navigation to users who want to visit your company.
    • Or simply, you want to show a map(navigator).
  • The app wants to check locale(where the user is coming from) and do something based on it.
    • Maybe checking user's location, country. So that the app can suggest language, phone code for the user.

Firestore structure of Location

  • It will save location information on user's public document (/meta/user/public/{uid}).
    • Document property
  location: {
    geohash: "8s8qquaz",          // string type
    geopoint: {                   // geopoint type
      Latitue: "38.334188",
      Longitude: "-122.314313"

Code of Location

  • To use location, create an instance of FireFlutterLocation class by injecting fireflutter in it.
    • When FireFlutterLocation has been instantiated, it will check the Location permission and listens the location, then update it on Firestore.
import 'package:fireflutter/fireflutter.dart';

final FireFlutter ff = FireFlutter();
final FireFlutterLocation location = FireFlutterLocation(inject: ff);

By instantiating an instance, it will check(and ask) the permission to the user. Then the app will begin to record the location on firestore.

  • To display if the user has proper permission,
class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
  bool permission = false;
  bool service = false;
  void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) async {
    /// If the app resumed(from background), check the status again.
    if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
      permission = await location.hasPermission();
      service = await location.instance.serviceEnabled();
      setState(() {});
  void initState() {

    () async {
      permission = await location.hasPermission();
      service = await location.instance.serviceEnabled();
      setState(() {});
  void dispose() {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(children: [
        Text('Location Service: ' + (service ? 'ON' : 'OFF')),
        Text('Location Permission: ' + (permission ? 'ON' : 'OFF')),
  • When the device cannot fetch location information(GEO point), all the app can get from FireFlutterLocation is null event on FireFlutterLocation.change event and empty map data on FireFlutterLocation.users event.
    • This may happens when you run the app in Emulator for the first time.
    • To display that the device cannot fetch GEO point, use the following code.
if (location.lastPoint == null)
      "Warning: the device cannot fetch location information(GEO location)!"),
  • Listing users based on location.
    • If location.init() is not being called, then the app will not update(save) user's location. Which means location related funtionalities would not work since there is no location data in firestore.
location.init(radius: 10000, gender: 'M');

Location common fitfalls

  • When you are testing(or developing), you may log into many users and the location distance from the users you have logged in becomes 0. That is because you have logged in those acccounts and updated their locations as where you are.

Initialization of Location

In app purchase

Document properties

  • Purchase histories are saved as /purchase/{purchaseId}.
  • Each document has the following properties.
  "uid": "...",
  "status": "pending|failure|success",
  "error": "Error message will be saved here in case failure.",
  "beginAt": "the server timestamp when user started to pay.",
  "endAt": "the server timestamp when the payment was finished as success or failure",
  "displayName": "...",
  "photoURL": "...",
  "phoneNumber": "...",
  "email": "...",
  "productId": "...",
  "productName": "...",
  "productDescription": "...",
  "amount": "...",
  "currenty": "..."
  • uid is the user's uid.
  • status: pending means the payment has begun.
  • status: failure means the payment has failed. In this case it has an error message.
  • status: success means the payment made successfully.

Delivering product

  • If the app would deliver products(or digial goods) in a new screen after purchase made, then consider not to do it. In stead, deliver the product immediately after purchase but before opening a new screen.
    • The reason is that when purchase was success, the phone(not the app) will open a popup dialog displaying that purchase was made successfully, and the app will not move(or open) to another screen until the user close the dialog.
    • There is a chance that the app closes(or crashes) before entering the new screen.
    • So, deliver the product immediately after purchase in success event handler.
purchase.success.listen((PurchaseSession session) async {
  print("Purchase made. Success!");

  // Deliver your product here.
  // ... add points or upgrade user's permission ...

  // Then, move another page to display the purchase was successful.
  // ... go to payment success screen.



  • Be sure you have backed up the database before you are going to test since the test will delete the whole database(or at least some collection) to make a propro test. In is recommended to test on a separate (inactive) Firebase project.

Unit Test

Since fireflutter is a bit complicated and depends on many other packages, we found out that the standard unit testing is not an ideal option. So, we wrote our own simple unit test code.

You can add the code below in Home screen. You need to fix the import path.

Chat unit test

  • To do unit test of chat
import 'file:///Users/thruthesky/apps/dating/packages/fireflutter/test/chat.tests.v2.dart';FireFlutter ff = FireFlutter();
ChatTest(inject: ff).runTests();

Test code creates chat room with hatch option and leaves out of the room, the test may produce unhandled exception if you do not run test code in order. The best wayy to test the code is to remove the chat collection from firestore and run full test code.

After test, you need to remove the code from main.dart

Integration Test

Please read Testing Flutter apps for details about Flutter app testing.

We don't do unit testing on fireflutter since its backend is Firebase and there is no doubt about Firebase's performance and quality assurance.

And we don't do widget testing. Instead, we do integration test.

  • See sample app's intergration-test branch for the codes.

  • We have tested it on Android app only since iOS app displays push notification consent box and it annoys the test.

  • Youtube video on integration test


Developers Tips

Test with user accounts

  • You may delete user account from Firebase Auth menu to register with same phone number.

Extension method on fireflutter

  • To write an extension method, see the example below.
import 'package:fireflutter/fireflutter.dart';
extension on FireFlutter {
  getUid() {
    return user.uid;
print('uid: ' + ff.getUid());

Extending your app with Fireflutter

You can do so much things with Fireflutter. We will introduce some scenario how fireflutter could extend your app's functionality.

Social photo gallery

Imagine that you are going to build a social app. User can upload his photos and manage it on his profile page while those photos are public. User can see other users' photos and take actions like voting(like and dislike), commeting, and even reporting for abusement.

  • You can create a forum named gallary and put add photo button in user's profile screen.
  • When user uploads a photo with firelfutter upload method, create a post under gallery forum with fireflutter method.
  • You can, then, get(listen) user's photo with fireflutter post fetch method and display it to screen.
  • When user wants edit or delete photo, do so with fireflutter.

This may cause lots of time and effort to accomplish without fireflutter.

Keeping deleted post when user delete post

Sometimes you may want to keep the deleted post. Imagine that you are going to build a photo gallery and keeping history of uploaded photos are mandatory.

  • When user deletes a post which has the photo,
  • Don't delete the document. Instead delete the title and content, add a property {deleted: FieldValue.serverTimestamp()}
  • And when the app lists the posts, hide deleted posts.

Trouble Shotting

Add GoogleService-Info.plist

Proceed the installation steps when you see error messages like below. It is complaining that you have not setup properly.

FirebaseException ([core/not-initialized] Firebase has not been correctly initialized. Have you added the "GoogleService-Info.plist" file to the project?

Stuck in registration

When ff.register is called, it sets data to Firestore and if Firestore is set created, then it would hang on Firestore...doc('docId').set(). To fix this, just enable Firestore with security rules and indexes as described in the setup section.

MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method ...

If you meet errors like below,

  • MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method init on channel
  • MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method checkPermissionStatus on channel

Mostly you have

  • Misconfigured your packages
  • To stop running debugging session and restart
    • Or delete some caches by doing
      • $ flutter clean
      • $ flutter pub cache repair
  • Set up packages properly.

This error may happen when you try to login with google_sign_in package but you didn't setup facebook sign in package. Or when you try to take photos(on Android) without setting facebook sign in package.

MissingPluginException often happens when developer didn't set up properly when they add a package that depends on(or related in) others.

Try to do By pass MissingPluginException error and see if the error goes away.

Facebook login package problem

It looks like some of flutter packages are conflicting with flutter_facebook_auth package.

We found that cached_network_image, like webview_flutter packages are not working properly on Android platform until we set the settings of flutter_facebook_auth package.

There might be more packages that conflict with flutter_facebook_auth, so we recommand to do the setup of Facebook. If your app does not need Facebook login, see Fake setup with flutter_facebook_auth to do simple fake setup instead of going full setup.

Fake setup with flutter_facebook_auth

If really don't want to implement Facebook sign in or you want to skip Facebook sign in for the mean time while you are implementing Gogole sign in, then you may add the following settings. You can just put fake data on strings.xml.

Open main/AndroidManifest.xml and update below.

<application ... android:label="@string/app_name" ...>

Open /android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml ( or create if it is not existing) And copy facebook_app_id and fb_login_protocol_scheme, past into the XML file like below.

    <string name="app_name">Your app name</string>
    <string name="facebook_app_id">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
    <string name="fb_login_protocol_scheme">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>

Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Add the following uses-permission element after the application element (outside application tag)

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

And add the following meta-data element, an activity for Facebook, and an activity and intent filter for Chrome Custom Tabs inside your application element:

<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/>
<activity android:name="com.facebook.FacebookActivity" android:configChanges=
            "keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation" android:label="@string/app_name" />
<activity android:name="com.facebook.CustomTabActivity" android:exported="true">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <data android:scheme="@string/fb_login_protocol_scheme" />

cached_network_image package is not working

See Facebook login package problem

webview_flutter package is not working

See Facebook login package problem error 1001 or if the app hangs on Apple login

If you meet error message like this,

SignInWithAppleAuthorizationError(AuthorizationErrorCode.canceled, The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 1001.))

Then, check if you have enabled Facebook login under Firebase => Sign-in method.

And then, try to login with real device.


PlatformException(sign_in_failed, 12500: , null, null)

This error may happens when you didn't input SHA1 key on Android app in Firebase.


PlatformException(operation-not-allowed, The identity provider configuration is not found., {code: operation-not-allowed, message: The identity provider configuration is not found., nativeErrorMessage: The identity provider configuration is not found., nativeErrorCode: 17006, additionalData: {}}, null)

This error may happens when you didn't enable the sign-in method on Firebase Authentication. For instance, you have set Facebook sign in settings but forgot to enable Facebook sign in on Firebase Authentication.

App crashes on second file upload

It's not a bug of Flutter and image_picker.

Firestore rules and indexes

If you see error like below, check if you have properly set Firestore rules and indexes.

[cloud_firestore/failed-precondition] Operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution. If performing a query, ensure it has been indexed via the Firebase console.

After ff.editPost or ff.editComment, nothing happens?

Check Internet connectivity. And fireflutter works in offline. So, even though there is no Internet, posting would works. If you want to continue without Internet, you shuold await.

SDK version not match

if you see error like sdk version not match, then, try to update flutter sdk 1.22.x

flutter_image_compress error

When you meet error like below,

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_SDImageCoderEncodeCompressionQuality", referenced from:
      +[CompressHandler compressDataWithImage:quality:format:] in CompressHandler.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

open ~/bin/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ file and comment out some code as described in its Git issue.

Authentication setup error on iOS

If you didn't set the Authentication settings property, you may meed this error.

Please register custom URL scheme 'com.googleusercontent.apps.229679080903-i8mfbm7ojqq87c169cvurajffg3hau70' in the app's Info.plist file.

To solve this problem, please do the setup.

Dex problem on Android

If you meet this error, you need to set up properly on Android. Error while merging dex archives: The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64K.

To solve this problem, please refer Android Setup in this document.

App is not authorized

If you meet this error, you haven't set up properly on Adnroid.

This app is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication. Please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the Firebase Console. [ App validation failed ].

To solve this problem, please refer Create a keystore and Debug has key to setup SHA-1 hash key into Firebase.

If app exists when picking photo

To solve this problem, please refer Image Picker Setup for iOS.


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