We present the accompanying code and hardware schematics to An Open-Source Soft Robotic Platform for Autonomous Aerial Manipulation in the Wild. This workspace contains all required ROS 2 packages for the platform.
Our software stack was developed for ROS2 Foxy. To install ROS2 Foxy, follow the official installation guide. We use both Python and C++ for our software stack. Your Python environment for ROS should have the following packages:
You will need a Python environment for ROS and a separate environment for running segmentation, which is independent of ROS. This makes it easier to try different segmentation algorithms, as you can freely switch the Python version and other dependencies.
pip install open3d imagezmq matplotlib spectacularAI
Our segmentation node runs outside of ROS to make it easier to develop on with conda environments. To set up the environment for the segmentation node:
mamba env create -f sam2_environment.yml
In case it is needed, backwards compatibility to ROS1 can be achieved using the ros1_bridge.
To use a Vicon motion capture system, if you have it, follow the installation guide of the ros2-vicon-receiver
submodule, which you can find here.
You should also install MAVlink for communication.
CAD files were created with NX Siemens. For best compatibility use NX 1988 to open the files. The assembly file is located at cad_parts/098082_02.prt
Control interface to the PX4 using mavlink.
- API for interactions with the PX4
Interface to a motion capture system and to forward pose estimation data to the PX4 (from both motion capture and SLAM systems).
- Publish motion capture pose data from the Vicon system to the ROS 2 network
- Forward motion capture pose data from the Vicon system to the PX4 controller
- Publish SLAM data to the PX4 controller
- Publish telemetry data from the PX4 controller to the ROS 2 network
ROS2 wrapper for Spectacular AI SLAM/VIO system using an OAK-D camera.
ROS2 node that receives gripper commands and forwards them over serial to an Arduino. Also includes Arduino file, which receives commands over serial and controls the servos of the gripper.
- API for interactions with the gripper.
Wrapper for high-level actions.
- Custom ROS interface definitions for the OSPREY workspace.
These are the nodes you will usually run:
- quad_control
- mission_control
- spectacular_node
- vio_px4_interface
- gripper_control
- video_sender_node
Outside of ROS:
- sam2_detection.py
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
# ros default
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
# ros custom
find_package(custom_ros_package REQUIRED)
# external
find_package(external_package REQUIRED)
# Compiler options
# Default to C++17
# Compile flags
add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)
# my_target
add_executable(my_target src/my_target.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_target external_package)
# another_target
add_executable(another_target src/another_target.cpp)
Run on every new shell to have access to ros2 commands
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
Build all packages, run the build command within the workspace's parent directory
colcon build
To build only a specific package, run
colcon build --packages-select <package_name>
For using executables, run the installation script from inside the workspace's parent directory
. install/local_setup.bash
To launch a ros-node, run
ros2 run <package_name> <my_node>
To set the verbosity level to debug, run
ros2 run <package_name> <my_node> --log-level debug
To set the default verbosity level, run
export RCUTILS_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT="[{severity} {time}] [{name}]: {message} ({function_name}() at {file_name}:{line_number})"
Within osprey/src run
ros2 pkg create <package_name> --build-type ament_cmake --dependencies rclcpp
Note: '--dependencies rclcpp' will automatically include rclcpp as a dependency in package.xml and CMakeLists.txt.
Add dependencies in package.xml
In CMakeLists.txt:
add dependencies
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
add target/executable
add_executable(my_programm src/my_programm_src.cpp)
link libraries to target
ament_target_dependencies(my_programm rclcpp) # link ros dependencies target_link_libraries(my_programm external_package) # link standard dependencies
add target to installation list
install(TARGETS my_programm DESTINATION lib/${PROJECT_NAME})
Include header files
#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp" // ros2 client library
#include "std_msgs/msg/string.hpp" // message and service definitions
List all active topics and services
ros2 topic list ros2 service list
Show type of a topic or service
ros2 service type /topic_or_service_name
Show structure of a type
ros2 interface show <TypeName>
Call service from commandline
ros2 service call /my_service <TypeName> "{request_variable_1: value, request_variable_2: value}"
- Available messages and services: ros2 common interfaces
- Available types: ros2 built in types
Message and service should be provided in separate interface package.
Names must follow the CamelCased convention.
Definitions must be placed in directories called msg and srv respectively. \
For services, define request and response variables in the /srv/MyService.srv file using the following structure:
type request_variable
type response_variable
Add the required dependency in the CMakeLists.txt.
# required package for generating custom services
find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)
# define which services should be generated
DEPENDENCIES <ros_msg> # If custom messages depend on ros_msgs
Add the required dependency in the package.xml.
<!-- build dependency -->
<!-- runtime dependency -->
<!-- name of dependency group to which the package belongs -->
Build and install package, then run
ros2 interface show my_package/msg/MyMessage
ros2 interface show my_package/srv/MyService
If you find this code useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:
title={An Open-Source Soft Robotic Platform for Autonomous Aerial Manipulation in the Wild},
author={Erik Bauer and Marc Bl{\"o}chlinger and Pascal Strauch and Arman Raayatsanati and Cavelti Curdin and Robert K. Katzschmann},
booktitle={8th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},