- Go to https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/
- Download the following mySQL installer, and start intallation
- Select the full installation as shown below, click on next and then execute.
- After the installation, keep clicking next without changing anything, until you reach the following page: Authentication Method. Here, select the first option.Click next.
- In the Accounts and Roles page, set the MySQL Root Password to Password@123 . This is a case-sensitive password, so make sure it is set correctly. Click on next.
- Leave the default options in the next page as shown below
- keep clicking next without changing any default settings. Finally, click the Execute option in the Apply Configuration page. Click Finish after done.
- In the next phase of the setup, you'll be prompted to to configure the products that were installed. Don't change any default settings, keep clicking next until you reach this page.
- In the above page, in the password input, provide with the password: Password@123 and the click on the check button. The status should be should reflect that the connection is successful.
- Click on next, and the Execute. Click next, and finally Finish. MySQL Workbench should open automatically and should look something like this.
- Double click on "Local instance MySQL80". This will prompt you to enter a password. Enter the following password: Password@123. Upon successful login, switch to the "Schemas" tab as shown below.
- Click on the new schema option and give the name as grocery_application as shown below. Make sure to give this properly as this is case sensitive. Click next, next and finish.
- Make sure to have Java 17 installed in your computer. If not yet installed, you can do this from https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/jdk17-archive-downloads.html using the Windows x64 MSI Installer.
- Create a folder named photos in your C: Drive. Make sure the folder name is correctly given as it is case sensitive. When you put "C:\photos" into the navigation bar is explorer, it should open up.
- Make sure MySQL80 service is running in Windows. This is the SQL Server.
- Go to https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/?section=windows and download the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. Install IntelliJ with all the default settings.
- Go to https://github.com/srisri332/groceryCRUDApp and download the code as zip. Extract the zip file to find the frontend, backend and resources folder.
- From IntelliJ, click on open and navigate to the backend folder as shown in the picture below. Click on ok and open the project.
- Since this is first time of opening the project, IntelliJ might complaint and throw some erros. Don't pay attention to these.
- In the maven tab, you should see backend automatically added as shown below. If you don't, right click on the pom.xml file and select the option "Add as Maven Project". This option is only visible only if the backend folder is not added as maven project automatically.
- Click on File -> Project Structure. It opens up this windows. Select the SDK version as 17 which should be installed in the system already. Click on ok.
- Navigate to ./src/main/java/com.grocery.backend and open the BackendApplication.java file. next to the BackendApplication class, there should be a run button as shown in the picture below. Click on it and click the Run BackendApplication() option.
- If you setup DB and Backend correctly, the application should run successfully and this should show up.
- If you open http://localhost:8080/test in the browser, this text will comeup.
- In the downloaded project code, navigate to ./groceryCRUDApp-main/frontend and open the index.html file. Application should open like this.
- Make sure the folder photos is created in C: drive as mentioned in the backend setup step 2. This is where the uploaded photos are stored.
- Watch the following video to see the demo of the product https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-2PoZFIpXY&list=PLW64Hn2lR3lkQHfD4V37tjH17rSch4nF3