Expertise Style Transfer (EST) is a new task of text style transfer between expert language and layman language, which is to tackle the problem of discrepancies between an expert's advice and a layman's understanding of it. We contribute a manually annotated dataset, namely MSD, in the medical domain to promote research into this task.
We provide a training set with non-parallel sentences in expert and layman styles, and a parallel test set for validation. Attached to each sentence is a UMLS concept list, which is to encourage knowledge-aware style transfer.
Each line of train.txt
and test.txt
is a dictionary object in JSON with the following keys:
text: the sentence text
label: 0 for expert and 1 for layman style
concepts: a list of concepts in the format {
"range": the start and end word position of the concept
"term": the term of the concept
"cui": the CUI codes defined by UMLS
In test.txt
, the odd line 2n-1
and even line 2n
are parallel.
This is the 2nd version of dataset. We ask a local doctor to review and revise the test set according to the comments of reviewers. 18 pairs of parallel sentences are filtered.