After forking the main repository move to Django projects folder and follow the below the steps.
virtualenv env --no-site-packages
source env/bin/activate
cd Movie-Recommender-With-Django
pip install -r requirements.txt
python createsuperuser
Enter the Username of your choice and press enter.
Username: (your preferred username)
Enter the Email address and press enter.(It can be left blank)
Email address: [email protected]
Next, enter the Password in-front of the Password field and press enter.Enter a strong password so as to keep it secure
Password: ******
Then again enter the same password for confirmation.
Password(again): ******
Superuser will be created successfully
Django has sqlite database by default. If you want you can use any sql or nosql database too. In this project I have used sqlite db.
python makemigrations movierecommender
Then run
python migrate
To run the web app,run
python runserver
And open localhost:8000 and navigate to /movierecommender to see the running app or /admin to open the django administration